Disappointing Hunt


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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Disappointing Hunt

Sounds like you enjoyed yourself....just getting a chance to be outdoors is what its all about....enjoying the outdoors and never knowing what might just cruise by your stand at any given moment.

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Re: Disappointing Hunt

Buddy sounds like a good hunt but sorry to hear that you didnt get him.... Please try to keep in mind its not just about the kill that tends to keep my hopes up when I aint seeing nothing.... As far as the bobcat goes, have you ever heard fox hounds running a bobcat???? YOU wanna talk about an AWSOME SOUND!!!!!!!!-tim

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Re: Disappointing Hunt

i had a bobcat come by 2 times the other day on my hunt, it was the most beautiful ,mature cat i have ever seen, but then it kept sniffing the air by me, i put out this sourmash stuff, don't think it was me he was smelling, that stuff reaked, lol......then it started meowing, not like a housecat, it skeeeeeeeered me, lol...never have i heard them making big kitty noises before....you'll have a your deer soon enough.bring a camera with ya next time, i will be......

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