How long should I give this stand a rest?


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Re: How long should I give this stand a rest?

I think hunting that spot the very next day is a much better idea than staying away. The blood is nothing. The smell of the deer on the ground and where you dragged it out is good.

I've seen deer come to the spot you've shot a deer the day before just to smell around. They don't seem to be indimidated by the smell of blood, but are more interested in the smell of the deer you harvested.

Many deer have been shot right after another one has.

Give it a shot and see what shows up and how the deer's a learning experience.. wink.gif

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Re: How long should I give this stand a rest?

This is one reason I do not field dress a deer on the property I hunt. I take it home and do it there.

I am lucky that home is only 1 mile away but still.

We have a bad coyote prob here and I try to not encourage it further by leaving guts there for them. I'd rather have them in my front field so I can shoot them... grin.gif

I agree with Buckee, leaving the deers scent on the ground is a good thing. It can stay there for days too.

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