ez hanger


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Re: ez hanger

I have had the 3 arm ez hanger for 3 years now and have never had a problem. I do not leave it in the woods and screw it into every stand I hunt out of so it has been in and out of trees a lot. I have noticed I need to screw it all of the way in to the square tubing to get it to stay in position and not make any noise but that is what the box said to do.

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Re: ez hanger

I've had one break while screwing into the tree last year... matter of fact the things still up there. I worry every now and then about the thing breaking with my bow hanging but knock on wood it hasn't happened... personally, I think the bolts and washers should be made of a higher grade steel given the abuse they take.

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Re: ez hanger


With these bolts that are breaking, are you putting them in and taking them out of a tree often? I did after every hunt with one of mine and that is the only one that had the bolt loosen up on. When I put them in and leave them, I have no issues.

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Yeah, if you put one in every treestand and leave them, your talking an extra $16 per stand. I mean, that's expensive considering what it is used for. It's just two pieces of metal and a bolt. We have eight stands, you do the math. For the price there should be absolutely no problem moving it from tree to tree.

Bill Jordan just keeps on racking it in, huh!!!!


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Re: ez hanger


With these bolts that are breaking, are you putting them in and taking them out of a tree often? I did after every hunt with one of mine and that is the only one that had the bolt loosen up on. When I put them in and leave them, I have no issues.

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Thats the way to go right there! Once there in, leave them in for the season! I have one in right now and its just as strong as the day I bought it! Of you have multiple hunting locations buy one for each stand. Or, keep one as a portable, and check the elbow bolt often. If it does break, go to your local hardware store and replace it with a stainless steel bolt! This will even last longer than the original, plus it will be rust proof!

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Re: ez hanger


Bill Jordan just keeps on racking it in, huh!!!!

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Mr. Jordan isn't forcing you to buy one, heck, all he did was think of a clever idea to hang you bow and supplies. If you buy one of not its your choice, no one is forcing you to buy one, let along 16!!

BTW: Seen them at BassPro for $9.99 over the weeknd!

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Re: ez hanger

I've had the original short version since R.T. first came out with them a few years back. It works as great as the day I bought it. I pull it from the tree each time. It has been in and out of trees litterally hundreds of times and I've never had a problem. I also own the long one too (not the 3 bar version). Same thing, it holds up awesome.

I actually like the short version better. It actually fits in a pocket and I like the way it positions the bow better for me. I've been wanting to pick up a second short version because it is nice to have one on each side of the tree. But, I can't find anyone locally selling them this year.

I'd be willing to trade someone even up a 2 bar long one for a 2 bar short one. No cheap immitation brands, only the R.T. version.

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Re: ez hanger



Bill Jordan just keeps on racking it in, huh!!!!

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Mr. Jordan isn't forcing you to buy one, heck, all he did was think of a clever idea to hang you bow and supplies. If you buy one of not its your choice, no one is forcing you to buy one, let along 16!!

BTW: Seen them at BassPro for $9.99 over the weeknd!

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What? Did I hit a nerve or something? My point was, it should be built strong enough to be able to move it from tree to tree. Not weak, so you have to buy one for each tree. Some companies build their stuff so that you have to buy replacements, it is a fact. The more their products break, the more we have to buy. Unless, of course, they have a great return policy!!!!


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Re: ez hanger

This is my first year with mine and I love it. I have noticed that one of the joints is loosening, I guess from the stress of screwing in and out. Only thing is when I hunt in a soft tree some times the weight of my bow pulls it down and starts to unscrew it. Most of the time it has been a life saver.

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