Antler Assasins

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Re: Antler Assasins

Congrats Mike. Sorry to hear about the big one you couldn't find.

Looks like our rut is kicking in a little later than normal. Young bucks are into it down here right now but the mature bucks are still laying low. I'll get back after them right after Christmas and hang in there chasing those suckers until right after New Years. wink.gif

Merry Christmas to everyone and have a Happy New Year.

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Re: Antler Assasins

Congrats mike thats still 10 points for the team! Glad you got somethin this season. Sucks to see you couldn't find that buck! I was really hopin you'd get that one this season. Well hopefully he is still alive and makes it to next year so you can get another chance at him. wink.gifLike I said are team is doin great! Keep up the good work guys.

OH and hope everyone has a great Xmas and New years. I already submitted a deer for our team, but I still have an archery tag that I can use on a doe. Ill be hunting from tuesday to Sunday. Maybe Ill have some luck.

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Re: Antler Assasins

Tom, that looks just fine. You're a handy guy with a computer. Do you suppose you could add one more 's' to 'assassins'? grin.gif

I took my buck's antlers to the local big buck contest today and took 2nd with a 140 1/8 score. We don't quite have the big bruisers here that they do in Saskatchewan.

Hey, I just noticed that you traded out your pic for another angle. cool.gif

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Re: Antler Assasins

Congrats Chris. Nice buck.

I'm still hunting but our season is winding down pretty quick. We still have until the end of this month to go. I've seen quite a few bucks but almost all have been fairly young bucks. I did get a quick look at a 130 class buck on the morning of Jan. 5th but didn't get a clear shot at him. I still have about 2 weeks to go but I can't spend the amount of time deer hunting like I was. All in all it's been a great and memorable year even though I haven't bagged a nice buck...yet. grin.gif

Nice touch on the mosaic guys. cool.gif

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Re: Antler Assasins

Whiskeyswamp, you didn't let anybody down. This was all for fun and I think all who participated had a fine time. Glad you were able to get out for whatever time you did.

At the risk of being politically incorrect, I would say I'm disappointed in the people on various teams who signed up and never showed their faces again. I guess sometimes there may be a good reason to disappear but in most cases I think it's just inconsiderate. mad.gif

To the active participants of the Antler Assassins - good job, guys. smile.gif

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Re: Antler Assasins

Our season closed at the end of the day Tuesday the 31st. I spent that morning in a tree stand but the deer have gone under cover. Didn't see anything but squirrels.

Well I tried my best but didn't bring a big one in this year. I probably spent more time in the woods this fall than I ever have too. Hey, that's hunting. It sure was an enjoyable and memorable season though.

Good effort teammates.

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