Cool 'bling' stories


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Re: Cool \'bling\' stories

I don't think it is all that rare to drop two banded birds in a row, like the one story said. It all depends on the family group the birds are out of.

Get this. This past Sept. we got into a ton of banded birds.

The first weekend morning, 4 of us were set up and mid morning here comes a good flock of 12 or 13 birds. We opened up fire and dropped eight birds. Six of the birds were banded. Three of us each had a bird with a band. The 4th guy dropped 3 birds and EVERY one of them had a band.

We got compairing numbers and all 6 bands were within a 20 number span.

The next day, my buddies dropped a couple more banded birds out of the same flock and again, the numbers fell in with the previous days numbers.

The next weekend, I dropped a bird that had a neck collar and a leg band. The leg band also fell right in there with the previous weekend's numbers.

My point is, is that it is very easy to get into multiple banded birds when they all came from the same family groups and are resident birds.

By the way, that was early Sept and none of us have gotten our paperwork back yet on the bands.

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Guest Iambenelliguy

Re: Cool \'bling\' stories

I have shot about 60 or so band in my life. Life BHD said if you get the family groups, that are banded you have good odds of shooting down multiple banded birds. Ducks it seems a little more rare.

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