Another Great Morning!!!


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Well this time we only got one bird! Ringneck Phesant that is! Dad and I were walking all over the same place we were two weeks ago. Heard very little shooting. So we decided to head back to the truck. Hitting old hedge rows on the way back. We were walking down this one and it got so thin you could have rolled a bowling ball through, and it would have hit nothing! Anyway, as we get to the end I was just about to say that was a bust when what I first thought was a rabbit turned out to be a rooster! I felt like I was in slow motion! I was fumbling for the safety to take off, it seemed like the bird was going to be in the next county till I got the safety off! I fired one shot finaly and the bird folded. All along dad was yelling good shot! But he did see that I was fumbling around with the gun and he asked, "What were you doing?" I just said, "I coundn't find the safety because I was in shock that I had three roosters take flight in two trips!!!" LMBO!!!!!!

We only got one this week, I really wished dad would have shot. Maybe next time!

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