Bedded Blacktail


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I was heading back to work after lunch today, when I spotted this big boy while driving past a farm that I pass every day. It's funny how you get used to spotting deer parts at long distances while driving. I zoomed all the way in for these pictures. Sure wish I could have either gotten closer or zoomed in more. He sure looks like a nice mature blacktail



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Re: Big Bedded Blacktail

He was sitting in the same spot at 8:30 this morning and at 11:30 am when I cam home for lunch.

He has both sides to his rack and I'm going to take my Bino's with me this afternoon to get a better look at him., since that picture was taken from about 250 yards away.

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Re: Big Bedded Blacktail


Awesome, thats pretty good that you noticed him from that far away.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL... This is eagle eye buckee we are talking about Mick..... grin.gifgrin.gif He can spot a grain of paint out of place at a 100 paces in the dark.... grin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

Good deal Steve, I hope this is an area that you can hunt, and that this dude sticks around to make himself a mount on one of your walls at home.... cool.gifsmile.gifwink.gif

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Re: Big Bedded Blacktail

LOL..NOPE, I can't hunt this farm. I've asked for permission there in the past, but the farmer says there are already a few guys that have the place wrapped up, hunting-wise.

They won't get this big boy until he gets stupid though, because right now he is bedding near the rd on one side, with sub-division behind him. The bush where they hunt is about 1,000 yards away grin.gif

I looked at him through the bino's today and he is way out past his ears and really tall. Genetic 3x3 and he's an old timer for sure. Really thick antlers too. smile.gif

Here he is again at 8:30am this morning. Same exact spot.

This is what you call a suburban buck...LOL


Here he is at 5:00pm this evening, standing not too far from where he was bedded.


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Re: Big Bedded Blacktail

Very cool pics buckee.

We saw a doe one time that was bedded not 5 feet from the highway. It was night time. We turned around cause we figured she was hurt, possibly had been hit by a car or something.

We drove right up to her. I could have touched her. Then she jumped up and ran off.

Kinda weird place to bed down I thought. crazy.gifconfused.gifcrazy.gif

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