On the Road Again


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Well I got back from my Missouri bowhunt Tuesday evening and I'm taking off to Iowa in the morning. I'll be back late on the 13th.

My Missouri hunt was a great hunt but unfortunately I didn't bring a big one home with me. With 30 minutes left on the 6th day I put an arrow into a big mature 8 point but I must have hit a bone in the thickest part of the shoulder because I only got a few inches of penetration. Watched him run off with a lot of my arrow sticking out of his shoulder. Bummer, no blood on the part of the arrow recovered and no blood on the trail he high tailed it outa there on either. A long search and no sign at all except a broken arrow shaft with a few hairs on it. During my hunt I saw 5 P&Y bucks with the biggest one being an 8 point that I estimated would go in the mid 150's. He was an awesome buck but never got closer than 60 yards from my stand. I estimated the buck that I hit to be in the mid 130's.

Well off to Iowa now but I'll be behind a video camera since I didn't draw a tag this year. I just hope I get some of those big midwestern mosters on film along with a some still shots too. I just can't pass up an opportunity to go up there, even if I can't carry a weapon. It's way to much fun to miss during their peak rut period. See y'all in about 10 days or so.

In the mean time y'all take care and shoot straight. wink.gif

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