Indoor target season is here..


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are you shooting indoor target this year ?

leagues , local tournys , Big tournys ?

looks like our league is going ot start next tuesday . im sure not ready , but its going to be fun for sure.. i will be shooting Freestyle again and i have been shooting some .

i just want to put 100% concentration into the mental side of my game . which seems to be my biggest problem. at the end of last year i was getting the hang of things. im hoping to improve this year ..

im going to shoot as many local tournys as i can , the the Iowa Pro/Am , Mid West Sectionals , State Indoor and Nationals again.

Shoot Strong


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Re: Indoor target season is here..

We have started shooting indoors and it's a whole lot more comfortable than outside, now. Unfortunately, our space is limited; we can fit 4 on the line at one time and anyone else has to be plastered against the back wall while waiting. I don't think we'll have a league as such. The nearest facility that can accomodate is about 70 miles away on tough winter roads, so I may be a fair weather spare there is all.

With my new rig (shown on Tony's sticky above), I got my season's first 300 score in a 5 spot the other day. smile.gif However, my x count sucked. frown.gif Gives me incentive to practice more!

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