??? For AJ!


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AJ, my father last year had one of them air activated hand warmers rip open while we were hunting deer last year. He forgot about this! Anyways, he was doing some shooting at the range yesterday and the gun would not shoot everytime he pulled the trigger. He would re-c o c k the trigger by opening the bolt then closing it then it would fire. I brought the gun home and ran some Gun Scrubber through the trigger mechinism(sp?). It seems fine now but I was wondering if that black power inside the hand warmer might be corrosive? I am going to give the gun a good cleaning today!


Wow it would not allow me to type in the right word there!

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Re: ??? For AJ!

I could not say for sure. It would not suprise me if they were corrosive. It just sounds like there is some rust around the firing pin spring. Its not uncommon for ML guns to get all kinds of gunk in them and have the pin hang, not transferring all the energy to the primer.

What kind of gun is it? I suggest cleaning the bolt thoroughly.

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Re: ??? For AJ!

Browning Medallion in .30-06. It seems like the bolt and trigger is free now. I wasnt sure about the power inside them hand warmers. I gave it a good cleaning, put some breakfree down inside the trigger, left it sit over night. Clean that out with some gun scrubber, cleaned the bore, reciever, bolt, magazine, and then when that was all done I cleaned and oiled the outside. Well used WD-40. I am pretty sure that all the junk is out. The trigger when fired is crisp again!

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Re: ??? For AJ!

The powder is a fine iron powder with something in there to cause it to oxidize at very high speeds. The chemicle reaction of the fast oxidation of the iron and air with the other chem. causes heat. After all the heat is gone you have a nice little bag of oxidized iron, more commonly known as "RUST" Sounds like he probibly got some down in the bolt and trigger.

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