powder vs. pellets?

Guest rutnroy

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Guest rutnroy

right now i'm shooting 2 50 gr's of 777 pellets with a 250 sst sabot. i'm getting good results. i also shoot a 12 ga. shotgun for turkey. i'm just about out of pellets and am thinking of just using powder for both guns. what gr. of powder would be equivelent to 2 pellets. what advantages are there by switching to powder.? what about the crud ring? i will definitely practice with it before the season starts , but wanted to see what you guys had to say

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Re: powder vs. pellets?

The advantages of loose powder over pellets are:

1. Flexibility - It's easier to adjust your load up or down to get optimum results with loose powder. You can adjust in 5 grain increments easily with most powder measures. Pellets you can only adjust in 10 gr increments. Doing that means buying both 50 grain and 30 grian pellets. As of now Triple 7 fans are out of luck as they only offer Triple 7 in 50 gr pellets.

2. Economy - Loose powder is a whole bunch cheaper than pellets on a per load basis.

3. Choices - Loose powder is available in 2f or 3f pellets only offer one choice.

You should decrease the loose Triple 7 by 15% of your black powder loads for equal performance. Start with 85 grain loads and see how it does. You can work up or down to your liking.

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Re: powder vs. pellets?

Loose powder seems to burn a lot quicker and easier in my gun. I tried shootin pellets and it was like(pop..booom) now its more of a pbooom. I also like that I can adjust my load whenever I want. If I decide to try a different bullet, I can try 4-5 different loads, using that same bullet, just different powder measures. I would definetly reccomend the switch, it's much more fun also.

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Re: powder vs. pellets?

They do offer 30 grain pellets in t7 and I talked to the guys at hodgens (the makers of t7) He said that in their tests the 100 grains of loose gives 100 more feet per second than two pellets of 50 with a 250 grain bullet. I could never get him to tell me what the comparable powder charge would be for two pellets??

He offered to send me their results for the tests they did so I guess I'll be getting that in a week or two with the way our mail is going here (around New Orleans)

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