Lost My first Deer


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Well Saturday morning I got up well before day light to head out to my spot where I got the 10 point a couple weeks ago. My dad was up so I told him I had a spot about 70 yards from me on a rock pile he could hunt. So we headed out. We got there a little late and by the time I got situated in my stand it was dang near light enough to shoot. I knocked an arrow and not 2 minutes later I heard foot steps behind me. I figured it was the morning raccoon run. But as I sat there, out of the corner of my left eye I caught a deer coming to a scrape 15 yards to the left of my treestand. I got my bow down and the deer walked a path behind me about 5 yards from my stand. It was a button buck, so I let him pass and he worked the scrape over for about 5 minutes before disappearing into the corn field in front of me. I sat my bow down and waited but didnt have to wait long before I could hear another deer coming in behind me. I got my bow and this deer sounded like he was coming in to my right. As I peaked around my tree I could make out a deer with antlers. He had his head to the ground giving me the opportunity to stand and turn around in my tree to take a shot to the right. He stepped onto the trail and stopped....no shot so I waited. He began to walk foreward and I drew my bow and as he walked into a shooting lane I grunted with my voice stopping him for what I figured was a perfect boradside 30 yard shot. I let the arrow go and it hit right behind the shoulder a little high, about 3/4 the way up the body. The arrow stuck right in the center of his body with each end hanging out about 6". He bolted within 5 yards of my dad on the ground giving my dad a good look at the arrow placement. He said it looked a little high as I figured but we figured it would still kill him. We watched the buck run 300 yards across a picked corn field to another section of woods. So we decided to give him some time. We went and got some breakfast and came back 4 1/2 hours later at noon to look. We were able to cut out the corn field in tracking and found where he entered the woods to the east. There wasnt a whole lot of blood but enough to keep a steady tracking pace. It was pretty much bright red. We followed him another 150 yards into the woods and lost blood. We searched for another hour looking for another blood spot but couldnt find anything. I was even on my hands and knees. So finally I decided to walk in the general direction he went and was hoping I could see him laying in the hardwoods. I circled the entire section of woods to find no sign of him. So I began down the trail through the woods to go back to the truck. I was hanging my head low in disgust dragging my feet when a bright red spot of a leaf caught my eye. Sure enough, more blood, 250 yards from where we lost the trail and he was heading the opposite direction we thought he was heading. I followed that blood for about 75 yards before we lost it again. But the trail lead to a small finger in the woods narrowing down where he night have bedded down. My dad and I walked that small section of woods looking in every brush pile there was and found nothing. We drove the fields surrounding looking in the ditches but couldnt come up with the deer. Even went back today to look. We are totally exhausted and have looked soo hard. Ive hunted for 8 years killing several deer but this is the first one I couldnt find. Im absolutely disgusted and feel horrible.......he was only a small 6 point but I take pride in all my kills. As much as I practice with my bow, this just isnt supposed to happen. frown.gifsmirk.gif

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Re: Lost My first Deer

I hear ya Nick and know what you are feeling..... As it has been told to me you hunt long enough it's bound to happen.... I know that doesn't make you feel any better...

Keep your head high in knowing that you gave it every effort to recover that deer, and that's all anyone could ever ask....

Sorry about the deadful misfortune and better luck next time....

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Re: Lost My first Deer

Sooner or later it happens to almost everyone. Take pride in the fact that you worked as hard as you could to find that deer. Like ruttinbuc said, the deer will not go to waste, nature wastes nothing and this deer will feed alot of others creatures and eventually return to the earth from whence it came.

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