got a buck this morn....


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this morning at 5:00 my grandson and I were on stand...we were late yesterday morn and saw tails going away as we entered the woods, so this morning we got an early start. As we sat in thr predawn stillness a light but cooling breeze swept in form the southwest, just perfect for that stand. My grandson could hear rustling in the leaves but due to the darkness could see nothing. The sky started to lighten up and now we could see basic outlines.... we were talking about the nice morning we had before us and suddenly a loud crash came thru the air...with excitment we glanced at every crevice in the woods trying to see what made the noise. Finally we saw movement ... it was a coon that climbed out on a fragle limb and crashed to the groung....30 minutes went by and we saw nothing... suddenly i glance to my right and there stood a deer .... i told my grandson not to move there was a deer standind to our right ... then i could see the bulk of a rack on his head... as i turned to put the scope on the deer and set my trigger the buck looked right at us ...we froze.... the buck proceeded to walk the trail he was on and went behind a tree ..i scoped him but he would not stop so i took a shot at him walking.... boom.... he kicked his back feet streight up into the air and then blasted out and across the food plot. he stopped at the edge of the ajoining woods in an opening ... watching him and saying fall...fall... fall... the buck finailly stumbled and pilded up right there .... we waited a few moments and went to the downed buck.... he is a five point ...far size rack and nice body for a 1 1/2 year old .... well im here to tell you all we were all smiles and high 5 ' is the first time my grandson has watched a deer be taken and i think he's hooked for sure now .... 6411tom_5point_mz_buck-med.JPG

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Re: got a buck this morn....

my grandson and i went back this evening...saw another small buck but was over the line so we couldn't shoot but i did get a trophy of a lifetime when my grandson handled himself as a grown mature hunter this evening....until now all he wanted to do was find bugs and things.... now he's a serious hunter thru and so proud of him....can you

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Re: got a buck this morn....

Awsome tom congrats to you!! Not just for the der but for making another hunter,just wait till yous ee him shoot the first deer,most awsoem feeling in the world, my daughter got ehr first one last year and its a day i will never forget, thursday we get to get her 2 mule does and I am not sure who is more exited LOL!!

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