Fed Up


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Well as you all know I have posted numerous things about my new Mossberg 500 Slugster Pump 20 gauge. I went out tonight in hopes of sighting it in. Was using those Remington Sluggers and Lightfield Sabots. I am having major problems. I was hitting way high and way left. We got the left/right problem resolved, except that the slider is almost off the barrel all the way to the right. This cannot be normal. I called Mossberg and they said to send the barrel in for testing. The shotgun opener is this weekend, so looks like the old single shot will be brought out this weekend. Hopefully I'll get a new barrel or something figured out soon. Here's some pics of the rear rifle sight and how it looks after shooting today. Keep in mind I am still hitting high, but the left/right is centered now, BUT the slider should not be all the way to the right like it is in the 2nd picture. Not sure what the deal is. Any ideas?

Elevation adjustment all the way back, but still hitting high


Windage adjustment all the way to the right, even past the marks, why?


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Re: Fed Up

I have a few ideas (questions):

1. When you are shooting, what is the forend resting on? Is it hard or soft?

2. Is your front rest on the barrel or on the slide?

3. Are you canting the gun?

4. If you lay the gun down, stand back and look down on top of the barrel. Does the front and/or rear sight appear to be in the correct place?

5. What distance are you shooting?

6. Did you clean the lead fouling out of the barrel often?

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Re: Fed Up

1. It is resting on my hand which is on a blanket which is on a bench.

2. You mean what is my hand resting on on the gun? The slide.

3. Don't think so. My brother has shot the gun as well as a friend, all with the same result.

4. Haven't tried.

5. 40-50 yards and I do realize I'm going to be a little high at that distance.

6. <20 shots out of this gun, so no.

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Re: Fed Up

You did mention that this has a fully rifled barrel. I would imagine that it has a huge amount of lead fouling if you are still shooting rifled slugs. If it were mine, I would clean the crap out of it. Use a good solvent and a good bronze brush and start scrubbing.

Try a sabot. They are a bit faster than the foster type slugs and will shoot lower. I would think the barrel is regulated closer for them.

If all else fails, put a scope mount on it and add a scope or red dot.

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Re: Fed Up

Thanks a ton for your help AJ, I really do appreciate it. I am going to go ahead and send the gun to Mossberg tomorrow so they can check the barrel out. It's going to cost me a few dollars, but I'd feel better knowing that the barrel is fine hearing it from them after their testing is done. I will just make do until I get it back or a new barrel back. From all the people I have talked to around here they say there is no way the windage adjustment(left/right) should have to be moved that far whether or not its a rifled slug or a sabot slug. Now I'm not saying your ideas are wrong, I would just feel better sending it in. If they say nothing is wrong with it, then I will definetely keep your ideas in mind. Also, another guy I work with has the exact same gun and shoots regular rifled slugs and he said he didn't have to move his sights at all. Maybe mine didn't get bore sighted or something. I'm really not sure. I will definetely keep you informed on what transpires from this, as I know you are probably as interested as I am. Thanks again for your help as this is why I keep coming back to this site because of people like you. Thanks again!

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