bucks bucks and more bucks...and a doe with pic's


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well folks nephew called me up yesterday and told me to meet him and his dad at 4:30 am and we would hunt his place. we had a wonderful day afield and the bucks were going crazy there this morning. i first had a doe come in at around 7:45 busted her before i got busted...sahe was 75 yards and had seen me raise my mz loader so put her down one shot went about 20 ft. over backwards(love those powerbelts)... then 15 minutes later a buck slipps over the ridge at 10 yards i was ready as i heard him coming... boom another power belt does the job.... no tracking on him... he was 13 yards when he quit rolling.... after my shot my nephew shot , then another shot....i think well good he got him one ... he got a 8 point and found the 9 point he shot late last evening...then his dad shoots ..we get over to his stand at abot 9-9:30 he was gone ... we looked down the food plot and there he was standing over a 8 point and he saw 2 more buck while he was field dressing his buck....oh i let 3 small bucks walk and my nephew let 7 bucks walk... yes the rut is trying to get into full swing around here....got to love days like this ...which it was a great day even if we had not taken a thing....enjoy the pic's...we really did ...the first one is my brother-in law and my nephew with all the deer....the next is me and my nephew with the deer ....the last is me holding up the doe i got and my buck is the first one on the left in the pic's...the smallest one ...lol




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Re: bucks bucks and more bucks...and a doe with pic\'s

vt, mine is the buck on the left in the first pic....inthe second pic it's the one my right hand is on ....i'm theone with the orange t/c hat on....can't get my tag to photo or scan the ink is to light to see anything all it shows is the arrows around the border of the tag ...

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