how many times have you been married....????


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Re: how many times have you been married....????



Been married 1 time and it has been 7 1/2 years of wedded bliss.

We have been married for 10 years. wink.gif

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So, is it 7.5 years or 10? Me confused.

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I think it's 7.5 years of bliss and 2.5 of not so much.

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Re: how many times have you been married....????

Been married twice...

Once for a year, which it really didn't work out...I was young and dumb... grin.gif

My wife now...been together for 30 years, We will be married for 25 years Dec. 26th...My wife reminds me of this everyday... grin.gif

We have 3 girls and 3 gradkids...

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Re: how many times have you been married....????

once 18 yrs two step kids two boys together raised four kids hers and ours well all ours two grand kids later lifes been good to me would i do it again if this one leaves or dies heck no once is enough she reuined me for other wemon

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Re: how many times have you been married....????




just be honest...I don't want people giving me outrageous numbers such as- married 3 times, divorced twice, you know, crazy stuff like that.

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What's crazy about that? That would be my stats. I was just young and dumb twice.

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trying to flush vtbowman out grin.gif

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Look on page 2 you knob.

I knew it was directed at me. mad.gifsmirk.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

Sad but true. crazy.gifLOL

I am playing the "third times a charm" card I guess. smirk.gif

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Re: how many times have you been married....????

Only once...Just celebrated 15 years.

When we got home from our honeymoon in Nov 1990, I packed again...and she said "where are you going?"

I'm going hunting...and I left for 4 days grin.gif

Then she got even...she got pregnant and gave birth right in the middle of gun season here nov 25th to my 1st son...she gave me 3 boys. grin.gif

Well, I had an answer for that too.

I can't feed the baby...I don't have them know? So I went hunting... grin.gif

Shes a good girl she puts up with me...still.

I broke her in right from the beginning grin.gif

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: how many times have you been married....????

twice,,,,1st hubby i knew him for 6 months before we married...lasted 4 years of ****.... dumb and young turned out to be a hitter ,,,, 2nd hubby was the nicest guy around never treated me bad or hit me......just loved to drink...i could'nt stand the drinking anymore after 9 today i live with my boyfriend of 5 years.....things are working out so far.....he has 2 children from a previous marriage i have no children

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