deer guns


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Re: deer guns

My deer rifle is a .270, it's flat and fast and very versatile. I hunted for years w/ a 30-06 and you certainly can't go wrong with that one. A 30-30 is a good gone although I am not a huge fan of the lever action. If you are small in stature, consider a 243, 308, or 6mm (very fast and flat). Best of luck

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Re: deer guns

I had been using a 30-06 remington my father gave me (and the only gun I personally own.) But this year I am using my almost brother-in-law's 44 ruger. He is stationed over in Iraq right now and wanted his gun to go hunting since he can't do it personally. I was happy to do this for him because the gun is a much better length and weight for me to carry plus it shoots sweet! Now to talk him into selling it to me! wink.gif

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: deer guns

I use a rem. 12 ga. 870. w/ a hastings fully rifled barrel, with a 4x simons shotgun scope on it.

with in the past year though, I use my t/c encore 50 cal. insted. I love that gun! I also picked up a 7mm-08 barrel for the encore this year for hunting out of state (vt.) and in canada for caribou. both barrels for the encore are toped with burris scopes. the 50 has a 3x9x50mm sing. searies. and the 7-08 has a 4x16x50mm black diamon.


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Re: deer guns

No rifles in IL so I shoot the ultimate slug gun. I shoot the H&R Ultra Slugger. You can cover three shots at 120 yrds with a silver dollar. You can drive nails with this thing.


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Re: deer guns

I bought a weatherby .300 mag last year. I wanted an all around gun for deer, elk, etc. I killed be first elk at 300 yards this year. I have not shot at deer with it but I believe it would be great. It is flat and creates alot of KE. I also had a muzzle break put on it so it shoots like a .270!!!!

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