My buck for the year


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With the rut seeming to begin in earnest around here, I've seen a half dozen good bucks in the last couple days either in the company of or looking for ladies.

This morning I hunkered down in one of my favorite spots and waited for daylight. In spite of expecting a stream of deer to wander past me, none used this particular trail today. However, I could see several working their way up other trails not far away.

Then I spotted a good buck with a couple does. The only way to have a chance at him would be to try a stalk, which I commenced. Rather than skill or good planning, I ended up 22 yards from him because he eventually walked toward me. When he stopped broadside, I sent a Muzzy through both lungs and I easily saw him go down only 45 yards farther.

This is it for bucks for me this year; I can still try for a doe after November 25, when the firearms season ends and archery continues for a further 2 weeks.


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