Seeing deer?


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Did you tell your wife to be scent free, or did she have on her favorite perfume? wink.gif

It could have been a number of things involved. Possibly lack of total concentration; too much movement; not looking in the right direction; too much noise; or maybe the deer just plain didn't move that time. As we all know, there are many variables that can cause us to Not see deer. Don't give up on her, She'll do good the next time. grin.gif

[ 01-29-2003, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: bulldawg ]

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Re: Seeing deer?

Must be your "aminal magnetisim". A hunting buddy of mine and I shared a stand. He has seen and taken many deer from it but I have only seen 2 deer from it. I took a decent 10 pt last year from it as it was chasing a doe. These were the only deer I have seen from this stand. I wear scentlock and can spot critters rather well. We also share another stand where I see all kinds of deer but he does not. Its just being in the right place at the right time.

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