precision rifle

Guest deldeer

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Guest deldeer

o.k., now i have been hearing alot of raving about the precision rifle dead centers, & im always looking for a new edge. would like to get some feedback on them. i would be using them in my .50 omega on 2-777 pellets,( to start).for deer. are they really worth the try?, can they be bought in the store or do i have to order them?, what grain would be good for deer size game?, i use 240xtp's now. thanks for the info.

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Re: precision rifle

Deldeer, You've likely read my prior ml experiences in other posts. I shot the 300 grain XTP and 90 grains of pyrodex RS with no luck. Deer ran forever and a day. I had lost 2 deer with a ml and almost gave up ml. UNTIL, AJ told me about the precision rifle bullets so I bought some dead centers (220 grain), shot them with 100 grains of 777 and killed and recovered my first deer with a muzzleloader. It didn't run, just fell over dead. The entrance wound was about 2 inches wide and 4 or 5 inches long. INCREDIBLE. I don't think you would regret the change. I'm seriously considering carrying my ml during rifle season here in a week or so. Try some of them. You may try the 240 grain since thats what you shoot now. I doubt you would have to adjust much if any. Good luck and tell us what you think.

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Re: precision rifle

I've never shot the Dead Centers but do shoot the QT 40's. The 235 gr. bullet shoots real accurate out of my gun, and was very effective on the buck I shot last year.

I tried T/C Shockwaves and SST's the loading problems associated with them wasn't worth the money saved. I'll stick with the Precision Bullets.

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Re: precision rifle

Never could get the DC's to group better than 2 1/2" in

the Encore but have killed several with the 40/50 200gr

DC. Got one with the 40/50 235gr QT. With either bullet

all but one dropped in their tracks. The "one" was a shot

I should not have taken, and took some tracking -- even

at that, he got less than 100yds, but a 2d shot was


This year for the 1st season I used the Savage.

Because of speed limits of lead bullets, the 200SST

was used (heard of too many problems with the 250

SST coming apart, while others had good success).

It did take a LOT of time & patience but finally came

up with a load she shot accurately with the 200's. The

eight pointer never knew what hit him -- fell dead in

his tracks!

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