The three-legged deer


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Was hunting this morning up at our hunting farm out of my dads stand(which happens to be my favorite) and was feeling really good about it all. Perfect conditions and the rut is going hard. Well i was seeing consistent deer movement all morning and a couple of small bucks when around 830 i saw a deer come into the field in front of me. I noticed it was limping horribly, and as it got into bow range i realized it only had three legs. Even though i was there to shoot a big buck or doe only, i elected to shoot this little 3 pointer( and 3 legger) because i wanted to put it out of its misery. Broadside, 35 yard yards, the deer just dropped straight down. When i got to it i first thought that the leg had been shot off in the earlier muzzleloader season, but upon closer insepction, i figured out that it had been hit by a car and the leg was cut clean off at the shoulder. Felt pretty bad for this poor little guy, but glad to do my part by ending his misery. Watching him stumble around choked me up pretty good.

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Guest bigbucks125

Re: The three-legged deer

i live in upstate new york and we have a 3 legged doe come in our back yard almsot every night. i think she was born with a missing leg because the hair is grown all around and she walks very well. you can barley tell she is missing a leg.

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Re: The three-legged deer

Good decision to take that deer. It was gonna be a hard winter on ANY deer that don't have all of what it needs to survive the winter and the yotes.

I have been seeing a buck walking on 3 legs also. It has grapefruit sized ball on his left rear knee with a crooked antler on its right side. It has 4 good points on the left side, but that crooked horn on the right.

If he gives me another chance to take him I will, if I don't fill my bug tag before friday, the start of the NY season gun opener.

I love non typical racks.

Injuries to a bucks rear quarter make the antlers grow messed up.

Good luck and hunt safe!

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Re: The three-legged deer

Way to go!!!! I like your ethics, this is the part of hunters that so many people dont see. We do the animals alot of good. I have shot a doe during rifle season that had her back legs shot off I watch the guy shoot it and then he never did anything about it. So I shot the doe when it came by me at 10yds with my .270. Droped it wiht one shot.

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