I shot a deer...Finally!!

lil hunter

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It took me 7 years, but I finally shot my first this morning.

I got up to my stand early, well before sunrise. Put the primer in my muzzleloader, uncased my binocs, and slipped on my gloves. Right around first light, i was thinkin to myself"ok, now it's about bright enough to shoot". About that time, i here a crash crash crash. To my right a pair of does come runnin out, then another doe, and then a NICE buck. They were chasin and ran around my stand for about 10 mins, never offering a shot. I noticed there was a total of 2 bucks in the group. A few mins later, I look up and see a little buck. It was a forkhorn. Then I notice a little fox is coming towards me also. I watch the deer and fox for a few mins, and they leave. Then a little while later a spike comes out, and walks around some.

About 7:50, I see a little buck walk out, in front of me to the left some. He walks away, towards my uncle. Then another buck comes out the same trail and does the same thing. A little later, I see something shining to my left, and notice it's a nice 8 pointer. He stands around for a good 5-10 minutes, eating, then beds down for another 10. I was lookin at him through my binocs, and he jus suddenly stood up and ran off. I was pretty dissapointed at this point, cuz I was hoping he would've come closer. Oh well. About 5 mins later, I see another buck. The same spot as I saw the big one earlier. At first I thought it was the same deer, but after I looked a little closer, I could tell it wasn't. "BOOOOOM". My dad just shot, a few hundred yards to my left. I figured he shot the deer that bedded next to me, and I was right. This other deer was walking broadside of me, but going through a lot of trees and brush. If he kept going in that direction, I would get a shot at him. He stopped in a small lane, but he was quartering away too much for me to shoot. Then I dropped my gun for a second to catch my breath a little, and he got broadside. I shouldered again, but he had walked too far already. He walked through another couple small lanes, and I said to myself "I just missed my chance... i just missed another chance. WAIT, i'll get a good one in a second" He walked about 10 more feet into a big wide open lane, about 40-50 yards out. I put the crosshairs of my Rem. 700 muzzleloader behind his shoulder. KABOOOOM. after the smoke cleared I saw him with his tail up running away.

I radio'd my dad, and told him about it, and he said he shot at a nice 8 pointer. My uncle was on his way to him by now, so they went and found his deer before coming to me. I was looking around where I shot, and couldn't find anything. We all walked in the general direction that I saw the deer run, and I was startin to get worried. Then I hear"Mike" "What" "come here". I run up to my uncle, and he had found blood!! I started lookin and found more blood, a foot or two away. We had an excellent blood trail for about 35 yards. The trail forked, and as I was lookin to find blood to tell me which way he went, my dad says "theres your deer" I look over and see him laying there in the hunnysuckle. I run over to him to find a decent little buck layin there. 9 points total, It had 2 big kickers out of one base. I couldn't believe it took my 7 years to do that. The rem. 50. cal with Hornady SST sabots did the trick. I couldn't believe how much of a blood trail there was, once we found it. There was a drop or ten of blood every foot, all the way to the deer.

My dads deer was a fairly nice 8 pointer. We had also seen a really nice 8 pointer, but it was shot by a tresspasser this morning on the neigboring property. frown.gif The person who gave the guy permission to hunt, didn't own the land. Dads deer wieghed 195 field dressed. Mine was 125. Not the biggest, but we're gonna have tons of venison this winter!

Pic of my buck, and gun.


me with my deer


dad with his 8 pointer


dads deer with his 11-87


both of us with our deer


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Re: I shot a deer...Finally!!

That is just too cool Tim. cool.gif He's a great looking buck, epecially for your first. Definately long overdue Tim, and you deserved him big time. grin.gif

Does this mean we have to call you" big Lil " grin.gifsmile.gif


WAY TO GO, to you especially Tim, and give your Dad a pat on the back for a great buck too.

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Re: I shot a deer...Finally!!

that's awesome lil! I've been following your stories on these forums since I first came here, I think everyone here was rooting for you this year. Congrats, I've had a rough week, a horrible one really, but it put a smile on my face to read your great story and pics.

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Re: I shot a deer...Finally!!

lil, When I read the title of this thread I got a great big smile on my face. (Now my face is broke). It does not happen very often. I wish that I could shake your hand on your patience and dedication to getting your first. Congrats to you on a job well done. cool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

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