First coyote - pics


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I managed to get out Saturday morning to some awesome weather. It's the weather I've been waiting for all year; temps in the low 20's, no wind.

The only thing that would've made it better would've been some snow but I'll take this.

I hunted a ridge that I've been wanting to hunt all season. I've watched a few bucks walk this ridge this season but, for one reason or another be it the wind or time, I haven't been able to get to it.

Today was the day it came together.

I was sure I was going to see deer this morning. Just had that feeling.

At about7:30 I heard footsteps beihnd me and my heart started to thump. I only heard one set of steps so I was sure it was one of the bucks I was watching.

I looked to my right as the steps got closer and saw a lone mature doe coming up behind me. I was a bit disappointed but quickly realized the oppurtunity that was afoot.

She walked up to my left never offering a shot. When she came into sight on my left I noticed she wasn't alone. There was also another big doe and 3 yearlings.

They all walked around me not offering a shot. As the 2 doe got along side me about 45yds away they locked up. I was peering ahead to try to see what stopped them so suddenly.

I saw movement and thought it might be a buck coming in.


It was a wretched coyote!!

I was a bit cranky since I knew it was only a matter of time before those deer scattered.

Sure enough, about a minute later, they were gone.

So now I'm watching the 'yote come in. She's sniffing the air and starts to turn away. I made a screeching sound with my mouth and she stopped and looked in my direction and started to come in.

She was walking straight in to me on top of a blow down. I drew on her just as he stepped onto the tree.

She was about 30yds away still on the blowdown when she looked up at me. She sniffed the air bobbed her head but never really knew what I was. So she steps off the tree and starts to trot along broadside in front of me. I made the screech sound again and she stopped 25yds broadside.

I released and watched the arrow hit.


It was a BAD hit!! Not sure what I did but I hit her real far back. She didn't make a sound but ran. As she was running I could see she was dumping big amounts of blood. She tumbled a couple times and I lost sight of her.

I knew the hit was bad but judging by the blood loss I witnessed I was confident she was going to drop.

I gave her 2 hours.

In the mean time one of the does that scattered came back in and fed about 50yds from my stand. She was one of the yearlings but I decided if she gave me shot I would taker her.

The shot op never materialized. It would've made a neat double for the day.

I climbed down and found the 'yote 40yds from the hit. She'd been dead for awhile as she was already stiff.

Once again I can't say anough about the Wac'ems. They more than did thier job in this case. It was another blood trail even Tedicast could follow. tongue.gif

I brought her to my taxidermist to have a full body mount done. The taxidermist was impressed with her coat and said she was gonna make a nice mount.

Not a bad way to finish the week! grin.gif

The first pic is me and Tedicast (on the left).




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Re: First coyote - pics


I can't say anough about the Wac'ems. They more than did thier job in this case. It was another blood trail even Tedicast could follow. tongue.gif

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You aint kidding. If I could follow the blood trail you know it was bleeding like a stuck pig!!!! grin.gif

Thats a gorgeous dog bro!!!! One less to be chasing the deer around our hunting spot. Can't wait to see the mount!!!!

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Re: First coyote - pics

Great dog....I shot one on saturday morning about 10 minutes after I had shot a big 8...That yote came straight in to my downed deer and when I whistled at him he bolted and I was able to knock him down at 100 yards while he was running away from me....Man them boys scream when you hit em though....

It's interesting how the color of my was though compared to that one...This one was dark grey with black and cinnimon(sp) on him....beautiful at that...

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