Canadian censorship???


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I must plead ignorance on this, but thought I'd throw it out there for our neigbors to the north.

Yesterday, I heard something on a local talk radio show. The guy said that in Canada, government censorship is so rampant that political talk radio shows are not allowed. He also said that it's a hate crime by Canadian law for churches--yes CHURCHES--to say that homosexuality is a sin.

Is this true??

If so, you all have my sympathy. Though I may hate some things said by people on the other side, they certainly have that right--and I'm glad they do. I'd rather here their bogus rhetoric than them not being allowed to spew it.

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Re: Canadian censorship???

What I heard about that was a little different. It was censorship over the public airways. It did focus on hate crimes, churches, and homosexuality. The difference that I heard was that they could not brodcast anything that spoke out against homosexuality, abortion, or any other "life style" decisions.

It's a sad world we live in. I'm just glad I'm not a Canadian (no offence intended) I would already be in prison.

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Re: Canadian censorship???

This is just one more in a long line of examples that we can learn from.

If any government is given total rule of their citizens, then the very basics of rights will be taken away.

In the US we have the 1st Amendment that allows the right of freedom of speech. However, we have allowed our government and society to dictate to us when and where we have this right. Having a right is one thing, being told when you can use it and when not is another thing all together.

We can’t stand by idle and let the liberal leftists remove parts of the Bill of Rights that they don’t like.

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Re: Canadian censorship???

While I feel that every person has the right to choose how they want to live their lives free of government interference, I am glad I live in a country where people can speak for or against said choices without fear of government reprisal, the line is crossed though when hate speech turns into hate crime.

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Re: Canadian censorship???


Thanks for the clarification, fisherguy. I wonder what this talk show host was smoking?!?!?!?!

[/ QUOTE ] Don't get me wrong, if they could get away with it the Liberal government would try that! He was probably trying to make a point and lacking a good example just stretched the sad reality that is our liberal government a bit farther. Lets face it, he will get away with it too since most people dont know or care.

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Re: Canadian censorship???

Canada is definately headed in that direction...and fast.

Over half the country now has recognised and made legal, gay marriages.

It's only a matter of time now, before the clergy are going to be either forced to marry gays, or charged with spreading hatred towards them, just for speaking out against gay marriage and the gay lifestyle. frown.gif

"The true north, strong and LIBERAL"

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Re: Canadian censorship???


Buckee, we have some people (whiners) we'd like to send you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll answer on behalf of all us Canadians on teh forums. NO THANKS!!! We have enough. WHat we need to do is cooperate, round them all up, and ship them all too oh say Russia where they can all be equals and share everything.

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Guest andymansavage

Re: Canadian censorship???

The CBC keeps a pretty tight grip on the public airwaves in Mexico North. Censorship is commonly accepted as a government right. I don't live there, but have lots of family in alberta and have spent some time in cardston. I'm just surprised by the political attitudes there. I was so angry earlier this year when those two deserters from the US military were received like royalty and offered sanctuary there. Have they been sent back yet??? It seems ungratefull to me that a country that is protected by it's proximity to us would slap our military in the face like that. I feel sorry for the average canadian that has to put up with the crap from the prime minister.....err parliment.....err queen..... errr...buckee, who does run our brother to the north??


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