First Gun Advice


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First off..........WELCOME to the Realtree forums!!! grin.gif Stick around. You'll like it here!! wink.gif

Were I faced with your three choices I would pick the 870, no questions. Many guys in here use the 835 and love it. I think it feels like a deck-post in the hands and has a sloppy-feeling action. A lot of other guys use and love the Nova. It feels "tinny" and cheap to me. Again......these are just my subjective opinions. You're right. You would be, probably, well served with any of the three. But, having shot and handled all of them, I'd buy the Remington and never look back.

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Re: First Gun Advice

I've shot an 870 all my life, my dad shot an 870 for 60 years. Never had one "break". My dad bought a mossy because needed a new goose gun when the steel law came into affect. Mossy was the first one to offer a 3 1/2" 12 ga. . Guess what? It broke. The first thing I noticed was that it was "loose". It just kind of rattled and seemed cheap. He then switched to a browning for ducks and geese and shot the old 870 for upland birds until he quit hunting.

If remington would have chambered for the 3 1/2 earlier he would have definately bought it instead.

Stick with the 870 it's been around forever you'll love it.

Oh, the 870 is WAAAAAAAAY easier to field strip.

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Re: First Gun Advice

Welcome to the forums. Have you looked into the Winchester 1300? It's a nice shotgun but kicks like a mule with turkey loads. grin.gif

Of the three guns you listed, I would probably choose the Nova or 870 over the Mossberg. Personally I'm not a fan of Mossberg...but that's just me. The Mossbergs just don't "fit" me well. I'll agree...the action on the Nova feels a little sluggish but we've put countless rounds through one without any problems. The 870 is a good shotgun too but I don't have as much experience with it as I have with the Mossbergs and Novas.

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Re: First Gun Advice

Well my Winchester 1300 only kicks like a pony with turkey loads. laugh.gif

I guess it comes down to fit regarding felt recoil.

Of the choices you mentioned the 870 would be my choice. The nova really kicks and the forearm is very rattly. The Mossberg would be my second choice. Although it seems a bit clunky to me. It may work out for your son though.

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