One More Doe!!

Guest TBryan

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Got another doe on Thursday. I hunted Tuesday thru Friday and just now got around to posting this. Started out tuesday night. When i was walking to my ground blind i saw a doe bedded down so i crawled to with it about 30 yards of her. When i was getting my arrow nocked another doe that i hadnt seen came around the corner of the trees i was behind and busted me. Saw 3 small bucks after i got to my stand. One little 4 point came within 5 yards of me. I decided to pass on him. Wednesday i hunted all day and saw a lot of deer but no shooters. Thursday morning i grabbed the rifle because i might not be able to go back out this season due to work and i wanted to get something this week. I sat in my tree stand for a while and didnt see anything. I got out and eased along the edge of a ridge. I saw a nice buck but he saw me first and gave me the slip. Thursday night I hunted with my buddy. We sat about 60 yards off the edge of a little drainage. Before we got settled in i took a leak right in front of us. We were sitting there flicking acorns at each other when a yearling showed up out of no where. Right after he left we spotted to small six poiters that were almost identical. They came across the drainage and right into the clump of trees were were in. They sat about 25 yards eating. One of them bedded down for a few minutes. I started messing with them with a grunt tube and they left. Not thirty seconds later a nice eight pointer showed up. He was a borderline shooter so i held off. He worked his way up to the same place the six poits went to and left the same way. About a minute later a scrawny seven pointer came throught the same place as the others and came right up to us. He started to sniff my pee. He looked up and saw me sitting no more that five yards away and jumped back a little. My buddy was only 3 yards away! He didnt like my face apperently and eased out of there. Almost as soon as he was gone a little 4 point came out a little bit to the right of where the rest of the deer came out. He muched on some cactus out in front of us for a few minutes. About five minutes later a nice doe came out from my left. I decided i would take her because we are trying to thin the doe herd. She was walking pretty fast so i grunted at her and she stopped. I squeezed the trigger and my Savage 7mm-08 barked out. She spun a 180 degrees and took off. She ran about 50 yards and stopped. She started staggering and went down within 60 yards of me. The 40 yard shot i took hit a little higher than i wanted but did its dirty deed quickly. Took out both lungs. She weighed right at 60 lbs dressed. About average for our neck of the woods. She was 3 1/2 years old. SonoraNovember8-11-2005copy.jpg

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Re: One More Doe!!



that deer is 3,5 ?

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Was thinking the same thing.

Congratulations on the doe.

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Yup, they dont grow to big down where i hunt.

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