Biologic pH meter


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pH meter

Has anyone used one of these or anything similar? If it works it would pay for itself in 3 to 4 tests. My 2 main questions are:

1) Is it accurate?

2) Does the meter come with charts that tell you how much of each mineral you need to add to bring the pH to where you want it (like a regular soil test does), or does it just tell you the pH and you have to guess the rest (which is little help)?

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Re: Biologic pH meter

i bought one one year.......i'm not real sure how accurate it gives you an instant reading with the needle.... i'd be willing to sell it to you..... smile.gif

it's just laying in my hunting room....... smirk.gif

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Re: Biologic pH meter


Did it come with charts to tell you how much fertilizer and lime you need to add?

[/ QUOTE ]

well......i'm not sure... crazy.giflol......i think it did crazy.gif(not much i??)

i never really used it that much......

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Re: Biologic pH meter

i don't remember mine coming with a chart--might have????

the meters are accurate if done correctly. The biggest problem iw either too much moisture in the soil or not enough for an accurate reading.

If he doesn't have the chart don't worry about that you can get charts on how much lime to add on the internet.


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Guest kyhunter79

Re: Biologic pH meter

Im a graduate of the Univ of Kentuckys College of Agriculture. I majored in plant and soil science and have a lot of experience in just about everything that has to do with plants and soil interaction. The best way to figure out how much lime, nitrogen, potassium etc... your soil needs is to take soil samples to your local county extension agent. They will analyze the sample and recommend the proper amounts of nutrients your soil is needing. Also i highly reccommed do not overpay for "bio logic" type forage for game or anything that you can buy at wal mart or bass pro shops etcc... ALl you need to do is either read the label on a bio logic bag for example and write down the percentages of each type of seed in the bag and then go to your local seed distributor or any company that sells wholesale seed to farmers and home owners and tell them what you want in your mix of forage. I can try and answer question from you guys as much as possible if you email me at [email protected]

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