Professional hunter and an amateur hunter


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Guest kscumminsdriver

Re: Professional hunter and an amateur hunter

in deference to anyone on the board, I think a 'professional' hunter is someone who gets reimbursed for hunting be it through a paycheck or through free equipment.... I'm not talking about a pro-shop giving you a dozen arrows... more like getting a new bow, the latest camo, blinds, stands and the like in exchange for some sort of publicity or advertising.

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Re: Professional hunter and an amateur hunter

I always thought if you wear the same clothes and shoot the same bow or gun and use ALL the products as the professionals do, then you were a pro yourself grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I have to agree, if you are some way shape or form getting anything from any sponser or manufacturer in order for them to promote the product(s), that would constitute a professional.

Now I think most of us would call a guy who hunts and can't make shots consistently a amatuer...right?

Or some other choice words I'm sure.... tongue.gif

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