question on shot placement?


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Re: question on shot placement?


12 gauge slug? Anchor him? I've heard that a shot right through the shoulder bone will break the legs, and also take out the lungs and heart.

Some of the more experienced gun hunters might be able to help more.

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When hunting with the shotgun, and slugs, that is my preferable shot too. I have never had a deer go more than 20 yards, and most dropped in their tracks. My bro double lunged a small buck a few years ago with a slug, and we tracked that deer for at least 150 yards. I like the shoulder shot.

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Re: question on shot placement?

i no a guy who hunted and shot a buck and when he found it another guy was comming into the clearing where his deer was and he claimed that the deer was his, he scared the guy so much he hasn't hunted since....its just a shame that someone would take someone elses deer like that....i hope it never happens to me......just make sure u dont gut shoot the deer

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Re: question on shot placement?

High shoulder or neck, you gotta deposit that bullet or slug enery into the spine. If you get a good broadside, take out the shoulders. If your shot is from some other position, take out as much vitals and backbone that you can. Spank that spine and it won't go a foot.

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Re: question on shot placement?

OK... here is the spot that you want to hit.

It is callled the "Broncial plexus". That is the bundle of nerves that travel along the spine and group up by the neck right above the heart. You hit a deer there, they will drop in their tracks. In my experience.

I hit a nice 8pt that was trotting past me away from my stand. It was a quartering shot that entered about the middle and the bullet worked its way up towards the plexus and he dropped like a pile of bricks. That was a lucky shot for me. I did not know what I was aiming for, just knew I had to hit it good.

I posted the pic on another BB to tell about how he dropped, and a game biologist told me that it was a "broncial plexus shot" that made it drop like that.

You can see where the bullet entered, and there was NO exit at all. That bullet, wish I could find it mad.gif, was curled up like nice mushroom at the base of his neck.

I used a 30/30 marlin with a 150gr FN Speer grand Slam bullet behind 31grains of H4895. Giving me about 2000fps @ 100yards.

This is my favorite deer load, I think you know why grin.gif. I took this deer back in 01.


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Re: question on shot placement?


12 gauge slug? Anchor him? I've heard that a shot right through the shoulder bone will break the legs, and also take out the lungs and heart.

Some of the more experienced gun hunters might be able to help more.

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I agree.

I go for a high shoulder shot which does what Tominator explained and also takes out part or all of the spine to ensure a dropped deer.

If your going for maxium meat then you will ruin a good part of both front shoulders, but shoulder meat is not the prize IMHO.

Its good for burger and jerky to me.

Retrieving your deer seems to be your priority so go for a high shoulder shot.


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Re: question on shot placement?

Definately the shoulder shot to take out the shoulders and/or spine is called for. You will waste meat, but there are lots of deer. Some deer meat is better than no deer meat. A 12 ga slug will definately penetrate enough to break both shoulders. When you shoot, go get it. There is no need to wait when using a gun. Archery you need to wait but a bullet kills from shock. Shoot and go get him.

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