Scope choice

Guest lilcrackshot

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Guest lilcrackshot

I am looking for a good quality scope at a low price. It is going to go on a Model 760 in 30-06. Shots are 200 yds and under. What do you reccomend. I saw a nice Tasco World Class and was considering that.

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Re: Scope choice

Personally I would recommend high quality optics. This doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive, however I would go with a scope with a lifetime warranty. Nikon makes a 3x9x40 prostaff that has generous eye relief and quality glass. It is also reasonably priced at around 150. I am a firm believer that your gun is only as good as your scope, so try and get the best that you can.

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Re: Scope choice

Sightron SII 3x9x42. Outstanding scope for $200.Super clear and bright, with great eye relief and a lifetime replacement warranty. I put one on my Encore 308win bbl a few weeks ago. I took it to the range and a couple of guys there checked out my setup. They said they never heard of Sightron Scopes, but after a look through it they were impressed. I like it so much I'm going to replace the Bushnell I have ontop of my Encore 209x50 bbl before next deer season.

I Bought mine at Midway USA.

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Re: Scope choice

Another vote for Nikon. You can pick up a Nikon pro-staff at Wal-mart for under $120. If you can swing a few more dollars...go with the Buckmasters.

You didn't give a price range in your "low price" post...thats why I suggested the pro-staff.

I've got a few Tasco's which fit my need at the time...they all did the job...however, with the price of the Nikon's...I will prob. never own another Tasco.

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Re: Scope choice

Leupolds are every bit as good as Nikon IMO, but you'll spend more money for the same quality Leupolds over Nikon. Pro-staf is aboiut $50 cheaper than the low end leu.

That's 4 boxes of 25-06 shells, or a really good set of rings and a nice shoulder strap. I'm cheap. grin.gif

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Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)

Re: Scope choice

I've had a VX-II on my 06 for the last 17 years. Been on a bunch of backcountry horse trips in a scabbard and other calamities and have never had zero move on me. It replaced a Bushnell

Sportview which would lose zero if you farted too violently. Also have a couple of Burris Fullfield II's which I like very much.


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