8 yr old daughter would not shoot


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Our muzzleloader here opened Saturday. I got out early Saturday morning by myself in the woods and had 12 deer(pretty sure all were does) come through, but had no clear shot on any of them, got down early and came back for my daughters soccer game.

Plan was to take her for the afternoon in the new blind we built and videotape her hunt. I toted out the tripod the camera along with everything else in my pack and it was pretty warm. Got setup early, about 2 or so and got settled. Temps were around 75 with a wind from the south and wasps were everywhere, luckily not too many came in the blind with us.

While we were waiting and watching the hamann farms grower plot and the edge of the woods we had some pretty good bonding time. She was pretty excited and she kept on saying wanted to shoot a 10 point or better. Then she would say well maybe a 6 point if that is all she sees. LOL. About 4:15 deer start coming on the field right where I told her to be watching and they are looking back. They were about 45 yards out in front of us. Then here comes a couple more and this one big doe is looking over to the corner to my right. 5 or 6 more deer come out from the corner and I can see 10 deer, does and fawns on the field from where I am sitting. I had the camera started and it is rolling.

We get in position and the biggest doe to my right is looking in the shooting window right at us not 30 yards away. The TC black diamond is aimed out the front and my daughter sitting in my lap says she is on one and I can see that she does not have a clear shot because there are deer behind the deer she is on, so I tell her to wait until she is clear. That biggest doe is still watching us and most of the other deer are feeding around. I flip the safety off when I see the doe is clear and tell her to squeeze as soon as she is ready. The doe she is on turns and she no longer has a shot, so she stays on her and waits for her to present again. Most of the deer are out in front and the one to our right is still watching and she starts heading back into the woods. Probably 10-15 minutes have gone by while my daughter has several more chances to take a shot and she continues to hesitate when shots are presented. I am holding the barrel down on the shooting shelf to keep it steady. I was to the point that I was shaking. The big doe in the corner eventually turns and heads back in the woods and the rest ended up heading back in too.

About 15 minutes later further out I catch movement just over the hill and see two deer, then I see more coming our way from out in front. These are about 85-90 yards out and there ends up being 6 mature does in this group. We get setup again and I start the camera again. As they get closer we had one get as close as about 55 yards out. She had some really good opportunites. She just never could squeeze the trigger. They stayed out feeding in the field until just about dark.

My daughter tells me after we no longer have any deer on the field that her heart was about to jump out of her chest and that was why she could not ever shoot. She was afraid to squeeze because she could not control her excitement and she was afraid she might injure the deer she was shooting and not kill it. We talked about it and I tried to tell her to visualze the vitals as a paper target just like the targets she shoots for practice.

Went out again yesterday morning did not see anything and in the afternoon we spooked some on the way out. She did not get her first deer, but what and experience and we got it on tape.

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Re: 8 yr old daughter would not shoot

Sounds like you have a responsible hunter shaping up there. I congradulate her for not shooting. I know you wanted her to, but she definetly made the right call. She wanted a clean kill and she was unsure if she is doing it.

8yrs old???? Wow, she must be very mature. Consider that practice and education. She has started putting experience in the bank and when she reaches a good level the shot will go.

Congrats on the success of the hunt! She's lucky to have an understandind Dad!!

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Re: 8 yr old daughter would not shoot

I agree with Palssonater, sounds like an ethical hunter in the making.

You did great by not pressuring her to take a shot. It may actually take a couple more trips out for her to connect but its building confidence in her. It sounds like a success anyway!

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Re: 8 yr old daughter would not shoot

Congratulations on being such a great Dad!! As I read the story I was really hoping you would deal with it just like you did. smile.gif The first shot is the hardest.

I was lucky enough to be hunting with a 12 year old boy who took his first deer last year. We were hunting from a shack when a very nice buck came out just minutes before the last minutes of the last day of the season. He had his gun resting on a window sill and his sights dead on the unsuspecting deer's vitals. And he just sat there, his breathing was hard and you could see him starting to shake. His father was standing behind him, asked if he had it in the sights and told him to shoot. Still nothing, he just froze.

I was getting ready to take the shot (would have been my first deer too, but I thought I would be nice and let the boy take it), and when I told him I was going to shoot if he didn't he finally took the shot.

I think it is a good thing that they are taught to take ethical shots, I would rather see a deer walk away then to know I have caused any undue suffering. You are raising a daughter who will be a wonderful example of what a hunter should be! Good job and tell your daughter she did the right thing! There will be more chances and she will feel great when she finally does pull the trigger.

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Re: 8 yr old daughter would not shoot

great story and you got it all on tape!! i get the shakes when i even hear something that may sound like a deer. i always tell my dad a grandfather, when i quit shaking when i see a deer will be the day i quit hunting. my grandfather says he still gets excited when he sees a deer and he's 78!!

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Guest chicks_hunt_to

Re: 8 yr old daughter would not shoot

i am glad that she decided not to take the shot u may get her ready and think it will be easy but if she thinks it is not a good shot than its not she shows great matureity dont make her desisions for her i did the same thing on my first hunt when i was 8

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Re: 8 yr old daughter would not shoot

I had a friend in TX who's son did the same thing 4 hunts in a row. He was watching a story on WWI and II on the History channel about soldiers not ever fireing their guns. Then the army changed to a silowet (yes I know I can't spell) target befor Korea and the fireing rate went up tremendously.

That gave him the idea of using an paper deer target for practice and showing his son exactly where to shoot.

The next time they went out he scored a nice little 3pt. with no hesitation at all. Dad said he pulled up and shot about 3 seconds after the shot was clear.

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Re: 8 yr old daughter would not shoot

Sounds to me like she's been hunting for years even though she's only 8,,,, I'm impressed she didnt shoot when she thought she didnt have a clear shot... Makings of an excellent hunter in the works... Sounds like she has alot of patience.... good quality to have... Congrats there dad ,,, you've got a smart daughter... smile.gif

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