Scentlok or no scentlok???

Guest kyhunter79

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Guest kyhunter79

I was just wondering how you guys feel about scent pretection clothing?? (ie: carbon layered clothers from scent blocker, scentlok etc...) Does it really make that big of a difference? Or is that just a sales pitch? From what i gather it does matter, but i would like to get some real stories from everyday hunters.


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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I personally dont use it, I'll use cover scent, spray my clothes soon as i get there, then about every hour while i'm in the woods. When i leave i'll spray them again and put them in a container, then when i get home i'll dump some leaves in the container as well.... I've had deer come in at me about 10 yrds with the me facing them and the wind blowing right at em..... never had a problem......

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I beileve in them, I recently shot an 8 pt buck, as he walked under my stand, he looked up as I started my draw. I stopped, and was motionless. He looked for a few moments, and then continued on down the path. He stopped a few seconds later giving me a quartering away shot, and I made good. I fully believe in scent free clothing and all other aspects of keeping your scent under control.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I don't use any of the above. Mostly because it is too expensive. But I was hunting by just laying prone in a field above a terrace overlooking a well used deer path and had a couple does walk right up to me without noticing me...untill they were almost on top of me. All I was wearing was a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt washed in scent free detergent. In my experience it has been all about not moving at the wrong time. However, Im sure scent control has a role in some has just not been to much of an issue for me yet.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I personally don't use it. I have had deer right under me this year with the wind in their favor and i was never busted. One thing that i do is i take a plastic tote and i put all my hunting clothes in it and then i take one of those earth scent wafors and i throw it in the tote and keep it in their. This gives all my clothes the smell of the woods and dirt. Cheap way to cover scent without having to buy a scentblocker suit.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I have it and use it just because its my warm weather camo. I say save your money. I will not buy anymore when this set is gone. I have not done their so called "re-activation" in 2 years. I have not seen a difference. Save your cash for bullets or arrows and practice more.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I have a hard time spending the kind of money that these things are going for on more clothes.I do all the scent control I can with soaps,detergents,sprays,and a little cover scent.It seems to work good enough for me.I always stay downwind of the deer trails I am hunting,but have had deer downwind of me and not been busted.They probably do work,but I wouldn't say they are a nessecity.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???


One time when i was wearing it, i had 2 deer approach from downwind when i was on the ground, and they never knew i was there. the doe got within 10 yards of me too!


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That's exactly the kind of results I've had with them too. While I was in Iowa I was on the ground and videod a doe and a 9 point that kept going back and forth on my downwind side trying to figure out what I was. The doe got within 10 yards and the buck within 15 and they never figured out what I was. It would make a great commercial for scentloc.

One thing some people overlook is the proper use of the facemask/headnet. You must breath through it or else they will detect you. Many people don't think much about it but with every breath you take you are pumping out foreign scent that a deer will detect.

I know they work and 2 of my hunting buddies convinced themselves they work too within the past 3 weeks with their own experiences. One in particular didn't wear his headnet and got busted by deer downwind of him 100 yards away. The first thing I asked him was about him using the headnet. Two days later he was using the headnet properly while we were hunting in Missouri and had close to about 20 of the 30 deer he saw that afternoon come from his downwind side. He was shocked that not 1 deer detected him and he had 2 bucks sparing downwind of his stand that weren't shooters along with some bucks working does.

Reactivation is a must. I don't wear a suit for more than 2 days without reactivating it. I own 3 suits and twice that many facemask and 5 pairs of gloves. From my experience they loose some of their scent absorbtion ability after about 2 1/2 days so I either reactivate my suit or put on a fresh one after 2 days. On the road I usually don't have access to a dryer to reactivate my suits. If I didn't believe they worked, I wouldn't own 3 suites.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I think they work. I 've had deer walk right on the same path I used and never know it. Then again, that happened before I got Scent Blocker too.

I am not one to use a cover scent on my scent blocker. I use White Lightning. I use nothing with a scent since the suit will begin to absorb that scent and become saturated. I strive for a more scent free outcome. I store everything in a big rubbermaid bin. My pack, long underwear, pants, shirt, boots, harness, underwear, socks, eveything. I spray everything before it goes in the bin and when it comes out. I especially spray in to the boots. It works well for me. I have note been winded a single time since using these methods. I go to the woods in sweats and change at the truck.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???


If you do buy something like this try storing it in an air tight container with Broken pine limbs in it that way when you want to use it you smell like a tree

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You are defeating the purpose of the suit. The carbon is not selective in what odors it absorbs. It absorbs them all. They act like a sponge and can and do fill up. If you store them with any foreign odor, they will absorb that odor. The space that foreign odor takes up in the carbon is that much less space it has left for your body odor.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I have thought about getting a suit. But after this year I think I will hold off. On more than 1 occasion I had deer come in down wind and walk right underneath me. I am pretty carefull about my scent routine. I shower before I go, wash my clothes in scent-free detergent & earth scent dryer sheets after every 2 hunts. I go through at least 2 gallons of Scent-Away.

IMHO It's all about hunting the wind and taking precautions with your scent.

I may still by a suit if I find one cheap enough.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

1,000% waste of money.

But then what do I know. I'm only an engineer with many years of carbon adsorption experience.

I've spent far more money on good camo garments that do not have an ounce of carbon in them than any Scentlok product could ever cost.

Keep your stuff in scent free containers and use good hygiene practices and there is no need to waste your money on a carbon lined garment that will not work.

But then again, if you are confident in the product and want to spend your money on it, by all means go for it. It's a free country.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I bought the Scentblocker Plus on clearance at Wal-Mart for $50.

I don't use it every time but I believe it works, I use it mostly when the temps are borderline cold, cold but will work up a sweat walking to my stand. I've also had deer walk down wind from me while on the ground and never got busted.

Anything thing you can use to help controll your scent can't hurt anyhow.

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Re: Scentlok or no scentlok???

I don't wear a scent-lok suit but try to keep my scent under control by washing my gear in unscented soap, letting them air dry and putting them in a bag of leaves. Bath in a scent-free soap, Cover-up spray, rubber boots and I have great opportunities. My buddy who does the opposite. Hardly ever washes his clothes, Wears the same leather boots he just pumped gas with and hunts from the ground, always has bucks walk right to his feet. If he was a better shot, maybe he would harvest them but the point is he doesn't control his scent and sees bucks.

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