All Bucked Out!! (PIC)


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When it comes to deer hunting stories, I like them thorough so I'll start this one prior to the hunt. There has always been a group of us that goes up to some state hunting ground about 3 hours NW of home and camped and deer hunted for the first few days of the firearms deer season. Well this year I wasnt going to be able to get it off work but I didnt have a whole lot of attendance points so I was able to afford to blow Tuesday and Wednesday off of work. My dad headed up with our camper Sunday along with my uncle and his brother. I drove up Monday morning on my own after I got out of work. When I got there we all decided where we were going to hunt for opening day. We have several blinds in the woods that have been there for the better part of 20 or 30 years made out of downfall and branches. I was the last to pick my spot and decided I was going to walk to the backside of the swamp and hunt a blind on top of a ridge. Its a very hilly area and the blind sits ontop of the ridge on a small hill and looks down into the swamp, giving it kinda of the effect as though your looking into the swamp out of a treestand. Behind the blind is hadwoods with lots of acorns. The weather for opening day included winds with a 70% chance of rain. My dad suggested I go put a tent blind out to stay out of the rain and i said "naa, ill have one down before it rain anyways". and he kinda chuckled and said "alright!" So I took a nap while everybody was putting out their tents. Well opening morning came and my dad and I walked out together. He was hunting the front of the swamp so I had to walk by his blind to get to mine about another 1/4 mile up the trail. I got there a good 1/2 hour before daylight and when the sun rose, it brought a series of shots from all around, but no deer around me. About 8:15 I caught movement about 150 yards in the swamp and i glassed them and identified 2 mature does and 2 fawns. I had to let them walk because I didnt have a doe permit for the area. After they moved through I sat there watching the swamp closely for any movement. As I sat there a crunch in the leaves behind me caught my attention. I turned my head to see a buck, not 30 yards directly behind me heading straight for the blind. I thought "oh great, what am i supposed to do now", because I figured he would wind me and spook. So I grabbed my 30-06, which was standing up in front of me, I flicked open the scope covers and turned the safety off expecting a quick shot. I was listening to the deer walking in the leaves but didnt dare turn my head to look. Out of the corner of my left eye I caugh movement in that direction and slowly turned my head....he was cutting off to the left and still hadnt spotted me....Perfect! So I shouldered the 30-06, he stopped to eat an acorn at a whole 20 yards and the 30-06 barked. He did a mule kick and ran 60 yards before going down for the count. A perfect heart shot. It was 9:00am opening morning and my last buck tag was filled!! So I gutted him, snapped a few pictures, walked to camp and got the game cart and went back and wheeled him the mile or so back to camp on my own. On my way back I stopped and told my dad "opening morning, it aint rained yet, and im done! thank you very much!" grin.gif 11am and I was back in bed! Only a fork horn but a typical deer for the area we were hunting. Here are a couple pictures I snapped on my own after I got him dressed.



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Re: All Bucked Out!! (PIC)


thats 30-06 do some damage at 20 yds?

[/ QUOTE ] haha, there was nothing but mush left of his heart and it blew off half of one of his lungs. There was a trail of solid blood about 2 feet wide from where I shot him to where he dropped. The pictures arent as gorey as it sounds because I washed him up before pictures.

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