Whats the best .22 rifle?


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Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)

Re: Whats the best .22 rifle?

IMHO the Ruger 10/22 is the best 22 long rifle out there. It is really not enough for coyotes though. I love my NEF .22 Hornet single shot, It downs the dogs out to about 150 yards. I'll be getting a couple of more barrels for it via the NEF barrel accessory program as soon as winter is over. That is a nice feature and pretty cheap too.



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Re: Whats the best .22 rifle?

savage is the best in 22 caliber guns from the little 17hmr to the 243 all are excellent for what your looking at and will do a grea tjob for you. you can actually get them in a kit gun with scope and all and pre bore sigthed and all you have to do is pick out some roudns you want to try and go shoot them and group them and see which works best for you. also savage is great about any warranty items and are there for you 110%.

take a close look at them. if i was to ever sell my encores i would buy a savage vss in 308 and the same gun in 243 or 22-250 for my other critters to shoot including yotes and hogs

rob k

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