Question about "The Can"


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Re: Question about \"The Can\"

Im with Chris on this one. I mainly use it when I see deer. I have turned it over if I haven't seen anything but have never had that great of a response.

If there is a deer in sight they usually turn and come right in. I have used mine several times and cant think of one single occasion that I didn't get a great result from the can.

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Re: Question about \"The Can\"

I have used it both ways! All been this year! 1st time i ever had a response i did it blind! Nothing was around in my site! I hit it and about 15 min later here come two does! Then i shot a good 7 point! I saw him and closed the distance with the can!

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Re: Question about \"The Can\"

Last year during the pre-rut, I turned the can over three times one morning. 5 seconds later, a deer came busting through the woods like a bull! He was an older buck with a heavy 8 point rack. He stopped 50 yards out and surveyed the area. When he didn't spot a doe, he slowly walked away. No amount of calling(can or grunt) would turn him back.

A week later in the same area, a small basket racked six did the same thing. He wasn't as bright as the 8, though. He came within 5 steps. If it weren't for a misfire on my muzzleloader, he would've been in my freezer.

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