Question for Mathews Shooters??????????


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Re: Question for Mathews Shooters??????????

Personally, it's just the overall smoothness for me. I have owned, shot and played with a decent amount of bows in my short 12 year hunting career.

Mathews bows just offer the total package IMO. They're oh so smooth, quiet, shock & vibration free and are beautifully crafted. They may not be barn burners as far as speed goes, but they are still plenty fast to handle any hunting situation.

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Re: Question for Mathews Shooters??????????


Personally, it's just the overall smoothness for me. I have owned, shot and played with a decent amount of bows in my short 12 year hunting career.

Mathews bows just offer the total package IMO. They're oh so smooth, quiet, shock & vibration free and are beautifully crafted. They may not be barn burners as far as speed goes, but they are still plenty fast to handle any hunting situation.

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I agree with PA. I have a Switchback and love the smoothnes, no vibration, and quiteness.

It's like shooting a rifle without the noise. wink.gif

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Re: Question for Mathews Shooters??????????


Mathews bows just offer the total package IMO. They're oh so smooth, quiet, shock & vibration free and are beautifully crafted.

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That says it all.

I shot a Hoyt XTEC in 2004. When I bought it, the shop was going out of business and was very, very busy. I shot the XTEC and that was it. I was interested in the Outback, but didn't shoot it because of the madness in the store. The XTEC felt great compared to my Fred Bear Vapor 300. I'll leave out a few details as to why I decided I wanted a different bow in 2005.

I went into a shop this spring and shot the Switchback and Outback side-by-side. First, let me say that if I would have shot the Outback the day I shot the XTEC, I would have never gotten the XTEC. And, I went with the Switchback because it was faster, seemed a little smoother and I liked the size of it a tad better than the Outback. Plus, it had all the 2005 features. Both of them were super smooth. The XTEC was smooth, but the Mathews' were just that much smoother. The Mathews bows were the quieter than the XTEC when bare. The hand shock was much less with the Mathews. And something that I expected, but not to be as amazing as it is was the "forward jump". I didn't notice it much on my XTEC until I shot the Mathews. The XTEC felt like it wanted to jump right out of my hand, where as the Mathews just sat there. Plus, I like the look of the Mathews better. grin.gif

Hoyt and Mathews both make excellent bows. But for me, Mathews is the total package. Smoother, quieter, less hand shock and "jump" and look a bit better. wink.gif

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Re: Question for Mathews Shooters??????????

I shoot an Outback. Before I got that bow, I shot a 20 year old Bear Whitetail legend. Time for an upgrade huh? grin.gif

My buddy then shot a Q2 and I shot it a few times and liked it. He sold his Q@ and bought an outback with me grin.gif When I went to look at the Outback at the proshop where I bought it, the bow is VERY well made. I know a bit about CNC machining and milling metal, and when I looked at this bow, I can see that it was made to the highest standards. I also shot the Hoyt, and it wasn't as smooth, and needed alot of vibration stuff to make it as quiet as the Mathews was naked!

I got my Outback NEW... for a steal...$565 stripped.

The bow fits me right and I shoot it very well, not to mention how fast and small it is...samller bows with less brace height are less forgiving, but that don't seem to be a problem for me. I like that fact of how manuverable in the woods it is when walking due to the short lenth.

Mathews also has some great customer service too.

AND...It was in Realtree Hardwoods HD! Nuff said! grin.gif

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Re: Question for Mathews Shooters??????????

I dont own a Mathews but I have shot the Outback and the SQ2 yeah I know 2 different bows but anyhow... I really like the mathews bow and I almost bought one but soemthing about my bowtech just pushed me the other way ... they make a great bow though no doubt about it ... there is a reason why the big boys shoot mathews and its not just cause of the money ... there great bows .....

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