deer movement - full moon

Guest tootalloutdoors

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Re: deer movement - full moon

In a nutshell sometimes but I believe there are more important factors that affect deer movement like weather, rutting activity and hunting pressure more so than moon phase. From my experience deer seem to move less during any daylight hours during the period around the full moon. I just got back from Iowa and spent 8 days (all day long) in the woods. The last 2 days (right around the full moon period) deer movement was minimal compared to the 1st 6 days. On those last 2 days I did see some deer moving but mostly early, late and a few in the middle of the day. The property I was on had minimal hunting pressure. A few years back I was bowhunting a place in Kansas for 9 days during the full moon period that had not been hunted before I got there. The weather was pretty good most of the time during that hunt but during the day of the full moon along with the day before and the day after I didn't see a deer move during daylight hours. Before and after those 3 days, deer movement was fair to good. On the other side of that I killed a nice buck in Mississippi several years back during the full moon phase at 11:15 in the morning but that was during the peak period of our rut.

And BTW, welcome to the forum

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Re: deer movement - full moon

Here in Ohio, early season October hunting, we noticed that deer were moving quite a bit in the midday. In hindsight, I would sleep in and head out to the stand around 10 a.m. Just seems weird to walk to your stand so late.

During November--I'm in the stand as much as possible, I don't care what the moon is doing. During the rut, all bets are off IMHO.

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