Dats how Dem Shotguns Do Dat!!! (pics)


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Well I got a gift for my birthday the 1st of November that was absolutely uncalled for by my parents! I had been eyeing a H&R NEF single shot slug gun for some time and planned one buying one sometime so I could hunt the shotgun zone with a shotgun instead of my muzzle loader. Obviously I dont have to worry about buying one with my money now cuz that was my parents gift for me. smirk.gif Anyways, I topped it with a 2-7 Nikon Pro Staff scope and got her all sighted in with 3" Remington Copper Solids. EXTREMELY accurate groups.....almost unheard of with a shotgun. I tagged out on bucks Tuesday, opening morning of firearms season, but still had a few doe tags left. After work this morning I decided to head out to my spot just north of town to try to bag my first one with a shotgun/slug. Over night we got our first snow of the year and it was bitter cold with extrmemly high winds. I was bundled like the abomitable snowman and headed to the woods. Being so cold I didnt want to crawl in a tree so I found a nice brush pile to snuggle into and wait for the deer to come. The woods were very visible and you could see over a hundred yards all directions. It wasnt daylight for 15 minutes and a deer busted out to my left but kept runniong never offering a shot. So I sat there and before long I eyed 2 mature does heading right for me about 75 yards out. I shouldered the slugger and let them feed right into me. They got to about 40 yards and the bigger doe offered a perfect broadside stading shot so I let her have it. She kicked and ran straight at me!! She ran a total of about 50 yards before piling up. The gut job verified a perfect double lung hit. I was totally amazed at the size of hole that slug leaves in a deer....the exit hole was so big the deers inards were falling out of the slug hole. Incredible!

Heres where she went down and how I found her...I just added the gun. 101_0050.JPG

And here she is with the fork horn I took on opening day and myself. 101_0054.JPG

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Guest fourtrax_300

Re: Dats how Dem Shotguns Do Dat!!! (pics)

those are some nice deer you got there. those ultra slug hunters are some dang fine slugguns ! very accurate. is yours the 12 guage or 20 ?

i dont have that gun but wish i did. i am however hunting with the same slugs. 12 guage 3" copper solids. and they shoot very tight groups. 3 slugs in a circle the size of a skoal can at 75 yards !

you dont happen to have a pic of the entry and exit would do you. i want to see how big the exit hole is. i knew there slugs would be wicked !

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