Knife Sharpeners


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Re: Knife Sharpeners

The Lansky and Gatco work great but take a while to get the edge formed. Definately so if you are starting with a hollow ground edge. Another manual sharpener that is a step up is the Edge Pro sharpener. It is expensive but it works great.

I recently went modern and got the Chef's Choice electric sharpener. It works fabulously. I have sharpened all of the knives in the house and man does it work great.

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Re: Knife Sharpeners



I have a Lansky and I love it. I'm looking for something that will put an edge on a knife a little more quickly.


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Problem with quickly is you will heat up the metal and it will lose its hardness. Which will get duller faster! Stick with the lansky! wink.gif

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Not totally true. The Chef's Choice sharpener is much faster than the Lansky and does not overheat the blade. I have not had it get even very warm while grinding the edge in. It still takes a while, but its days faster than using a Lansky.

The Lansky is very decent (although slow) but the electric Chef's Choice is very nice (although expensive).

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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Its not like taking it to a bench grinder. Its not so fast that it anneals the metal. To me knife sharpening is not an art. Get the proper angle and remove metal until the desired edge is there. I have worn out many of the Lansky stones in the past 30 years. I am on my 3rd set. I know they are great items. I just found something better. The Chef's choice will establish an edge much faster than the Lansky does on a new knife. I have spent hours on a new thick bladed knife with a hollow ground edge getting it to 25 deg with the Lansky. With the Chef'f Choice, it takes 15 minutes and its razor sharp.

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Re: Knife Sharpeners


How fast are you wanting to sharpen a knife? Takes all of about 5-10 minutes to use the lansky.

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I'm not looking to set any speed records but when I'm cutting up a deer the last thing I want to do is set up all the Lansky stones and oil. I have never been good with a steel so I want something to put an edge back on a knife pronto and get back to work, that's all. wink.gif


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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Yes it will. The edge is not a polished edge like the Lansky does. Its almost like a micro serrated edge. I had a pair of knives I used to skin and cut up deer yesterday. One was sharpened by a Lansky to shaving sharp and the other was done by Chef's Choice. After skinning one deer and cutting up half of it, the Lansky edge was not near as sharp. I finished the job and did the entire next deer with the Chef's Choice edge. Its still sharp. This is after cutting around the knees, legs of both deer and deboning the carcasses. Touch it on a steel and its ready for the next found of butchering.

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