Whisker Biscuit?


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Re: Whisker Biscuit?

Got the new droptine WB this year. I love it. I was skeptical at first, but I think it's a great hunting rest. Never have to worry about the arrow falling off.

Now it does put some wear on the fletching. More than most rests. But hey, I have a fletching jig- I just re-fletch when the vanes start getting "warped."

ANd it doesn;t make any noise, as far as I can tell.

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Re: Whisker Biscuit?

I absolutely love my whisker biscuit. I will never use another rest. I've had mine for 3 seasons now and love it.

I think I may switch back to feathers though. I tried quick spins this year, and although they fly straight, (no problem) they are too high profiled for the biscuit.

I love mine.

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Re: Whisker Biscuit?



I just re-fletch when the vanes start getting "warped."

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Why refletch when a tune up with a hair dryer will get them back to normal quick! wink.gif

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Thanks NY- I didn't know you could straighten them vanes out once they were "bent". Guess what I'm gonna be doing tonight?! wink.gif

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Re: Whisker Biscuit?


There are two types of whisker bicuits! The one that has the black lower section is for carbon arrows only and the all black is for aluminum arrows.

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Not really. The all black ones are the original Quick Shots. The brown/black ones are the newer B2. The difference between aluminum and carbon are the size of hole. The aluminum has a larger hole. That is the only difference in the rests.

Be sure to get the correct one for your type of arrows.

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Re: Whisker Biscuit?



There are two types of whisker bicuits! The one that has the black lower section is for carbon arrows only and the all black is for aluminum arrows.

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Not really. The all black ones are the original Quick Shots. The brown/black ones are the newer B2. The difference between aluminum and carbon are the size of hole. The aluminum has a larger hole. That is the only difference in the rests.

Be sure to get the correct one for your type of arrows.

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Thats right! I really show go to bed!!! blush.gifgrin.gifblush.gif

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Re: Whisker Biscuit?

I will NEVER use another type of rest.

The Quick Shot Delux with B2 is it for me. Shoots quiet and reliably.

I took a nice doe at 36 yards while raining this year.

Ground spot-n-stock and never once worried about the arrow falling off or making niose.

Flawless rest.

Worth twice the money they ask for it IMO.

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