Non Typical from injury


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I took this bad boy this morning. By rights, he should have been an 8. I have been seeing him all bow season and have held out if something better came along, well, nothing did. So I did this deer , me and the deer herd a favor by removing him from the gene pool grin.gif. He was walking on 3 legs, gimping. Most likely got hit by a car. When a buck injures his hind quarter, the oppisite side of antler grows malformed. This was proof by his injury and his horns. I really like non typical...I mean almost every deer killed has typical horns, some racks even look alike. Don't get me wrong I'd love to get a large typical deer, but I think this is more of a unique rack too. I hit him at 20 yards and broke both front shoulders, hit the heart and he sat right down. Like someone pulled the plug on him grin.gif Who said expandibles don't open when you hit bone?

100gr NAP Shockwaves got 'er done.

Our gun season starts this saturday, so I am hoping to shoot another buck soon. I am leaving for my hunting cabin tomorrow in upstate Sullivan county, WMU 3H, and I will be lacking a computer and internet. I will be back for thanksgiving.

Good luck to all and hunt safe!




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