Sanction penalites decline.


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The penalties levied against companies doing business with countries who sponsor terrorism is lower than it was before 9/11, despite the Bush Admins pledge to do battle with these companies.

The average penalty for companies doing business with terrorist sponsoring countries such as Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan or Libya dropped from an average of over 50,000$ in the 5 years before 9/11 to 18,700$ afterward.

These figures could possibly be attributed to the fact that fewer companies are doing business with these countries. What I find the most interesting is that Saudi Arabia isn't on this list, considering that most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, Saudi Arabia has been named the biggest human rights violators and the largest breeding ground for terrorists. Why are they not on the list? Maybe it's because of the relationship between the current administration and the Saudi Royal family.

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Re: Sanction penalites decline.

So basically we should ignore what the American people have been committed to by the Bush Admin because they have oil. We get less than 2% of our oil from the middle east, so what else they got, I wonder if they will ever have the chance to have the same democratic experiences that their neighbors in Iraq and Afghansitan are experiencing right now.

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