People need to learn to shoot!


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Re: People need to learn to shoot!

What a shame.... frown.gif

A couple years ago on the first day of rifle season my Dad was sitting in one of my favorite spots when he hears BOOM! down the hill from him over on the neighboring property. Not two minutes went by and here comes a big doe which stops within 20 yards of Dad and stares back down the hill. He looked to see what she was staring at and it was her fawn with a front leg blown off, tongue hanging out, struggling up the hill. frown.gif Dad said it was SO pitiful...! Even worse.. the person who shot it didn't even come looking for it.... confused.gif Stuff like this really burns me up! mad.gif

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Re: People need to learn to shoot!

War will begin hear in Ny tomorrow. It is the first year that the gun opener starts on a Saturday. It always opens on a Monday. The state wants people to have a greater opportunity if it opened on a weekend. People who can't take off from work and children who are in shool will benefit. But the "weekend warriors" will shoot up the place come Saturday and Sunday. I hate the attitude "brown is down." I wish opening weekend came and went already so I can enjoy the woods on Monday. We always find dead deer on the property from slob hunters who refuse to track wounded deer. They believe if it didn't drop, they didn't hit it good. Some people don't even realize they shot a buck until they walk up to it dead. I hate these guys. Safety is always an issue with me with all the hunters in the woods opening day because I hunt the woods surrounding new developments. People think because they are an hour away from New York City its the Wild, Wild, West. Sorry for rambling. Just that I should be looking foward to opening day instead of hating it.

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Re: People need to learn to shoot!


That is why i am leaving my .270 at home and taking my shotgun, i can hit a 4" paper plate at 110 yards with the shotgun, rifle i have zero confidence in

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WHAT??? confused.gif I keep half to 1 inch groups with my 270 at a 100 yards!!! Your worried about a 4" plate? Sounds to me like you never sighted it in.

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Re: People need to learn to shoot!


They believe if it didn't drop, they didn't hit it good.

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ya i found that out friday... i seen what i thought was a doe...(was a button buck) horns hadnt even came outa the skin yet... i shot him once in the corn field n i knew i hit him good... he a good shot but i hit his shoulder blade so i thought hed die cuz of that... happens to be i tracked him for over 3 miles??? finally he laid down and i kicked him out of his bed... which amazed me how he was still alive and i **** him and he droped dead... idk how he stayed alive with my 1st shot but maybe the shell didnt penetrate through the bone or something? i dont know... but i found him n his backstraps r marinateing in the fridge now grin.gif

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Re: People need to learn to shoot!

Got the same problem on our place. 2 eight pointers wounded. My brother took one of them down that had been shot in the hams. Someone is trying to do to much with to little. Could be the dang road hunters. I set me up a tree stand along the road. It is a really good place, but it don't take long to figure out which vehicles are road hunters.

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Re: People need to learn to shoot!

While out hunting later this afternoon, andy saw a buck limping across a field. He tried to push him my way to get a shot but no luck. It's said because alot of people who hunt here do drives and take shots at deer running across the fields.. We wait for close, good shots, alot of hunters here have no ethic.

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