Bush win impressive?


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Aside from having the most votesever won by a President with 59 million, which can be attributed to the record number of people who actually got off their rear's to vote. I wanted to get a little deeper into the results.

Out the 31 states that Bush won, the largest margin for total votes was in Texas with 1,691,267 and the closest was New Mexico with 8366. Out of all 31 , Bush outscored Kerry by 8,813,692 for an average of a 284,312.64 vote win per state. All this tells me is how close the election really was and how divided we are as a country, and I think it will just get worse next time around. Yes, Bush had the highest vote total ever recieved for a winner, but Kerry also had the highest vote total ever for the losing candidate.

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Re: Bush win impressive?


Bush won, kerry lost, and thankfully it didn't take 36 days of legal stuff to figure it out. I think that is the most important outcome, that even though it was a fairly close election there is a clear winner.

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Ditto, SS must be bored again! grin.gif

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Re: Bush win impressive?

Personally, I wasn't impressed by him having the highest vote total ever. As you said, it's because of the high turnout...

What was impressive by Bush's victory were this.

Bush was ahead of Kerry in the polls early on, but it slipped fast. Going into the weekend before the election, polls were showing a Kerry tilt. When all was said and done though, Bush did have a clear majority over John Kerry nationwide.

Another thing that was impressive was this. Despite Democrats historically having better grassroots voter turnout campaigns--and the media constantly talking about it--the Republicans were really able to motivate and mobilize their votes--and were able to get a lot more undecided votes than was thought possible.

The numbers themselves are not impressive, but the circumstances that led to them most definitely is.

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Re: Bush win impressive?

If you take away from Kerry the voters that voted for him just because they hated Bush, he would have lost another 25 to 30% of his votes.

If that would have happened, Bush would have won by a landslide!

All this after election rubbish is OK, but the bottom line is that the president for the next 4 years is GEORGE W. BUSH!!

Thank God!

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Re: Bush win impressive?


Impressive is that with the mainstream media's liberal slant, Bush won at all.

Impressive is that for the first time in a lifetime, more people voted for morals than for economics.

Impressive is that some Vietnam POW survivor hasn't already taken care of Kerry.

This election shows that the majority of our country still has morals and cares about what is right and wrong. God bless the USA.

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Re: Bush win impressive?


If you take away from Kerry the voters that voted for him just because they hated Bush, he would have lost another 25 to 30% of his votes.

If that would have happened, Bush would have won by a landslide!

All this after election rubbish is OK, but the bottom line is that the president for the next 4 years is GEORGE W. BUSH!!

Thank God!

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People voted for Bush cause they hated Kerry, people voted for Dole cause they hated Clinton and vice versa and all through history. The last President who had any type of impressive win was Reagan over Mondale. I wish we could have another Reagan, where the country wasn't so divided. Bush won't be able to unite, he may try, but it won't happen, he's too conservative.

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Re: Bush win impressive?



Impressive is that with the mainstream media's liberal slant, Bush won at all.

Impressive is that for the first time in a lifetime, more people voted for morals than for economics.

Impressive is that some Vietnam POW survivor hasn't already taken care of Kerry.

This election shows that the majority of our country still has morals and cares about what is right and wrong. God bless the USA.

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Morals aren't what runs this country, morals don't pay off the deficit, morals aren't what this country was founded on, morals don't depose leaders and force democracy into other countries, morals don't tell that old woman who needs her prescription that she can't have it because she can't afford insurance and she can't get it from Canada, morals doesn't enable the inner city child in getting a good education, morals doesn't secure your gun rights, morals has nothing to do with Government, and if Bush won because a vast majority thinks he is some moral saint, well, this country is in trouble. He is a politician, and the only thing separating him from others is the fact he hasn't been caught yet. Now that he has secured another 4 years, get ready to see another Bush. Let this be a lesson to others running for President, maybe his father should have waited to start Desert Storn a little closer to election time, remember, his popularity was high during the Gulf War, then when it was over and he made a mess of everything else, the coutry saw him for who he really was. He must've advised his son to keep a military action going as long as possible to secure reelection, cause I will bet money, if 9/11 had never happened and we didn't currently have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, Bush would be packing. Heck, he'd probably still be on vacation trying to decipher " My Pet Goat."

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Re: Bush win impressive?


Thats the thing though, you show me 100 polls that said Bush would win, I'd show you 100 more that said Kerry would win. There are so many factors that go into polling that most of them are unreliable at best, especially them dang exit polls. I hate those things.

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All "polls" are designed with a specific agenda in mind. There are only three which I trust...

the flag pole

the meat pole

the ol' smokepole

When it comes to "political polls"...caveat lector!

That's the view from here.

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Re: Bush win impressive?

Bush won. Pollsters, pundits and exit polls were wrong.

Unite? Why should he? Kerry and media did everything they could to create a split and now the President is supposed to fix it? That's like saying the President has any REAL control over the economy, or jobs, or ......

He's just the one they try to blame for all our woes.

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Re: Bush win impressive?




Impressive is that with the mainstream media's liberal slant, Bush won at all.

Impressive is that for the first time in a lifetime, more people voted for morals than for economics.

Impressive is that some Vietnam POW survivor hasn't already taken care of Kerry.

This election shows that the majority of our country still has morals and cares about what is right and wrong. God bless the USA.

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Morals aren't what runs this country, morals don't pay off the deficit, morals aren't what this country was founded on, morals don't depose leaders and force democracy into other countries, morals don't tell that old woman who needs her prescription that she can't have it because she can't afford insurance and she can't get it from Canada, morals doesn't enable the inner city child in getting a good education, morals doesn't secure your gun rights, morals has nothing to do with Government, and if Bush won because a vast majority thinks he is some moral saint, well, this country is in trouble. He is a politician, and the only thing separating him from others is the fact he hasn't been caught yet. Now that he has secured another 4 years, get ready to see another Bush. Let this be a lesson to others running for President, maybe his father should have waited to start Desert Storn a little closer to election time, remember, his popularity was high during the Gulf War, then when it was over and he made a mess of everything else, the coutry saw him for who he really was. He must've advised his son to keep a military action going as long as possible to secure reelection, cause I will bet money, if 9/11 had never happened and we didn't currently have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, Bush would be packing. Heck, he'd probably still be on vacation trying to decipher " My Pet Goat."

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Mmm hmmm, and Michael Moore is a great source for unbiased fact. Sounds like someone is a sore loser.

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Re: Bush win impressive?


Bush won. Pollsters, pundits and exit polls were wrong.

Unite? Why should he? Kerry and media did everything they could to create a split and now the President is supposed to fix it? That's like saying the President has any REAL control over the economy, or jobs, or ......

He's just the one they try to blame for all our woes.

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Well said.

As far as impressive, he won and by a pretty good margin. Why should it have to be impressive?

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Guest andymansavage

Re: Bush win impressive?

Somebody please tell me when the country has been politically united?? errrr never. That is why we are so viable as a country, opposing ideas that give us choices. We are united in most ways, but will all never have the same political views, and that is good. I heard said during the election that" this country has never been more divided"........anyone heard of a thing called the civil war? Division and diversity in the political arena is what makes us strong, it isn't bush's job to "unite" anyone in the way that the liberals mean.

Back to the subject. Bush won by the largest PERCENTAGE in 16 years. forget numbers, even though he won the popular vote as well, he got SEVEN MILLION MORE VOTES THAN HE DID IN 2000. He also gained in all but 2 of the blue states and the black and jewish vote. **** yes it was impressive, but those who can't stand to lose will always find something to cry about. Was the sun in kerry's eyes too?????

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Re: Bush win impressive?



Unite? Why should he?

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I don't think I've ever heard a more ignorant statement.

Why should he unite the United States of America?!?!

Kerry and the media are the sole reason the people of this country are divided? Race, religion, sexuality, class structure, health care, the economy - these all have nothing to do with it?


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Well, tell Bush he shouldn't try and unite us, heck, thats what he has pledged to do, the fact is, he may try, but he won't, if people would be more tolerant of others we would be more united but instead we are stuck in the mindset of 1950's America for another 4 years.

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Re: Bush win impressive?

I'm sorry Slug, the democrats came out on Wed the 3rd and proclaimed that they still had enough people in the house and senate to delay anything Bush wanted to accomplish - this shows me that the liberals are more willing to keep things divided than the Republicans.

If you democrats want a chance at returning to prominence, fire Terry McAuliffe, shut Ted Kennedy up, stop filibustering and obstructing progress, reach across the aisle, you will find a willing partner in Republicans and you MUST and I mean MUST distance yourselves from idiots like Michael Moore, Al Franken, Ted Kennedy, Hollywood liberals, Al Gore and others who do not help your cause but only

hurt it.

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Re: Bush win impressive?



Unite? Why should he?

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I don't think I've ever heard a more ignorant statement.

Why should he unite the United States of America?!?!

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I guess "compromise" would've been a better word than "unite". Being united would be a good thing, compromising when you're right is the wrong thing to do.


Race, religion, sexuality, class structure, health care, the economy - these all have nothing to do with it?


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Sure these all have a lot to do with it. The problem is that a lot of people have fell away from the great values that this country was founded on.

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Re: Bush win impressive?


I'm sorry Slug, the democrats came out on Wed the 3rd and proclaimed that they still had enough people in the house and senate to delay anything Bush wanted to accomplish - this shows me that the liberals are more willing to keep things divided than the Republicans.

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The oly way to get true compromise in congress would be for everyone to be more moderate, ultra liberals won't like ultra conservative ideas and vice versa, instead of trying to push for Amendments banning a lifestyle choice, the admin needs to be focused on things that will actually help Americans without eroding civil liberties.

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Re: Bush win impressive?


instead of trying to push for Amendments banning a lifestyle choice

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Huh. Ban a lifestyle choice. Dont hardly know how banning gay marriage is the same as banning the lifestyle. Your comments in here never cease to amaze me.

Get a grip sluggo. Bush won by a larger margin than in any election since 1988. As far as the uniting issue, sure Bush will try to overcome as much of the political problems between the democrats and republicans by working with them and trying to in a sense mend the mess Kerry and the democrats created with all their negative tactics, but I really honestly dont see some of the democrats wanting to work with him for us like they are elected to do.

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Re: Bush win impressive?


I'm sorry Slug, the democrats came out on Wed the 3rd and proclaimed that they still had enough people in the house and senate to delay anything Bush wanted to accomplish - this shows me that the liberals are more willing to keep things divided than the Republicans.

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Kinda like those uniting Republicans who controlled Congress during the Clinton Admin and basically tried to block everything he did and try to destroy him every chance they got, but that was OK wasn't it.

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