Look What I found!!!!


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Sunday morning I was sitting in my ground blind, waiting for a nice buck to come by. It was 8:30 and i am looking around and caught a glimpse of rack, sitting on the ground. So I stand up and think wow that is a nice shed, I walk over to get it and see that there is a skull attachted to it. So I pick it up and it is a dead buck! Couldn't believe it! What a nice deer, and such a bad way to go. I also couldn't believe that the lower jaw bones were in tact and nothing was eaten by mice or squirrels or anything! The antlers weren't effected by the sun, but the skull is fully eaten off, so I think it could've been sitting there since last december?? Any one have any ideas on that?I am not sure how it died because I didn't really see any other bones laying around by it, but I really didn't look that hard either. It was a awesome found, that made my day, but I only wish I could've shot it! it is 16 1/2 inches on the inside with 19 1/2 and 20 inch main beams. g2's are 10 1/2 and 9 3/4. Heaviest is part is 5 inches, with 4 14 inch bases. And check out that weird point on the right side. I think it could've been a third main beam that got connected sometime during antler growing. Or it could just be another point that came out or something split it. What do you think it is from/what is it?




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Re: Look What I found!!!!

very cool. cool.gif

i've found racks like that before. none that big, but i have 4 or 5 with the skull still attached. in Ohio, to be totally legal, you're supposed to report it to the DNR and they'll give you a tag for it. sheds are ok to have with no tag, but if theyr'e still attached to the skull, you're supposed to get a tag. the odds of getting caught are very slim. i do not have tags for mine. blush.gif

anyway, theories on the occurence of these finds. i have 3. the deer died of natural causes, the deer was gut shot, or shot so that they were able to wander off and die much later, or they were hit by a vehicle and wandered off far enough to die later. theory on why you don't find other bones. scavengers could care less about skulls and antlers (you can't eat antlers wink.gif) so the other edible parts are dragged off and eaten. if you search around, say a 30 yard radius of your skull find, you'll find other parts. sometimes i've seen total sets of bones in one spot, but most times i see the bones scattered a bit.

great find. cool.gif

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