This is what we discussed in school yesterday..


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Yesterday in school, my english teacher opted to take a break from the story we as a class have been reading and get a little off topic for the day. Yesterday, we learned what transorbital lobotomy is.

For those that don't know, the front of your brain controls all of your emotions, thinking process and the likes. With that being said, it is when a doctor takes an ice pick and goes through the top of your eye-lid and mushes up your brain with the ice pick. Kind of like the way you beat an egg when scrambling it... Thus making you a vegetable.

It grossed me out at first, but then I realized that it was the only thing that they knew that was effective back then.

If you have some time on your hands and if your computer will let you, click the listen link at the top of the story and listen to the whole interview with Howard Dully. The interview is about Howard Dully and his transorbital lobotomy. He had it done to him when he was 12 years old, but miraculously, he is normal. 100% fine. Just haunted by his childhood memory.

If this needs to be moved to the Politics Forum, so be it.

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Re: This is what we discussed in school yesterday.

Amazing story, Joe. It's nothing short of a miracle that Mr. Dully can function on any level, much less such a high level.

I did a report on transorbital lobotomy in my high school psychology class and was quite intrigued by the process and wondered what kind of sadistic mind would view it as a solution to any problem.

Very interesting stuff.

Here is another story about the preocedure. Now, I see how I'm spending my weekend. Joe, you have sparked a dormant interest in me and I thank you (the only thing that keeps me sane on the road is having something to wrap my brain around and study).

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