If bush..


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Re: If bush..


if farmers lose their backing from the government even more farms will become housing editions.!!!

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I grew up on a farm, and Ive worked for farmers my whole life.Im not trying to sound like a jerk here, but I gotta ask, whos fault is that?I sit here and watch them plant the same crops year after year and the prices get lower and lower all the time.Meantime the prices of equipment and tillable farm ground keep getting higher and higher and the price of grain gets lower and lower.

A few years ago everyone in the state of Iowa started putting up these giant hog confinements.There was thousands of hogs in every section of land.Big suprise came then, the bottom dropped out and they couldnt give the hogs away.Confinements all over the place closed up and were sitting empty.Prices came back up since then and guesse what, its starting all over.I can drive to 23 of these confinements that are under construction within 5 miles of here again.

The last two years theres been more corn then the local elevators could handle coming in.Every town around here had giant stockpiles of it sitting on the ground getting moldy.The whole time thier tearing out fencelines, groves, and every empty building site that we got to plant more of it crazy.gif

I guesse what Im saying is how are these things ever gonna change as long as farmers are relying on government money?As long as these billions of dollars in subsidies exist every year wheres the incentive to change anything?They just keep making the same mistakes, overproducing worthless crops, flooding the markets with animals theyre mass producing, then complaining about how hard it is to make a living confused.gif

Im not unsympathetic, but maybe taking a few acres outta production and building some houses on em would be the best thing that could happen to the farm markets.We need more corn around here about as much as I need another hole in my head.Somethings gonna have to change somewhere, why not start with the welfare system farmers have set up?

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Re: If bush..

The first problem with this was the government getting involved in the farmers business to start with. But yet it was the farmer himself that invited the security blanket of the government for those times when the rain didn't fall or the crops failed in some way. You dance with the devil and you are going to get burned.

Farming should be treated just like any other private sector business. Years that are fat will see a farmer getting fat off his fruits and hopefully putting back a little for those times that are lean. But when the government steps into anything, you're going to get "governed".

Again - the farmer invited this on himself and now they are paying for it.

You should be demanding that government get out private business and you'll have a better private sector - that includes farmers.

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Re: If bush..

i was just being obsurd with my perot statement. i'm simply tired of having poor choices. do i vote for bad, worse, or terribble? if a 3rd party choice comes along, i'm going to look. and look closely. and i don't think i'm alone, either. 22% of voters went for perot, simply becuase of what i've stated above. it may well happen again.

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