Another successful


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Re: Another successful

just another deer from canada that has been indulging on the... what was it? canola oil? - again, nice buck, and again, congrats... getting tired of telling you that sask smile.gif

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Re: Another successful

Thanx guys.Saskman is correct.I have a tight group of freinds & family.We are successful because we work hard @ what we do.But for my group I guess you could call me "The Guide."Thanx again for all your comments.I like posting the pics but I look forward to reading everyones replies.Good luck!

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Re: Another successful

I havnt put a tape on him yet but the inside spread has to be over 18in.The tine length is week though.He wont score well but is a respectable mature deer.I hunted this area hard for 6 weeks after my muley buck.I passed on lots of nice muleys but also found where these whitetail bucks were hiding.So when whitetail season opened we had them "tied up" as you might say.I told my buddies as long as they could shoot they would have a buck that day.It was kind of nice.After we got that one i got to sit point for the rest of the day!

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