Tick Me Right Off


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ok...me and my dad found tis new good rabbit hunting spot close to are house it was perfect...then some guy comes along and desides he wants to open up a driving range and a mini put there...so now when i drive buy i can see where i stood when i shot my first rabbit..he just happens to stop land scaping right next to that spot..so now evertime i drive but it makes me mad...man i miss that spot frown.gif...buddy isnt even gunna make more then $10 out of it lol

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Re: Tick Me Right Off

I drive by spots like that here, everywhere I go.

It really hurt when I took my daughter to her new Junior school a few years back..... While walking up to the front door of the school, it dawned on me that this would just about be the spot that I shot a nice buck a few years back.

Every time I go up to paint a house at the golf course, I can't help remembering all the forest and old skid roads I used to hunt, where the golf course now sits. (100's of acres).

When I drive up to the top of our road, and see the modular home park that is now built off the end of the road, I remember one of the biggest blacktails I ever shot, the last hour, of the last day of hunting season, the bear that followed us home and the cougar that was sitting on the hood of my car one night, warming it's tush, when mt poor wife opened the door and got growled and hissed at.

Yeah, the good ol' days ...I hate change

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Re: Tick Me Right Off


It's sad to say but if you don't own the land yourself...it's at risk.

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Could not agree more. Where we used to live about 8 years ago in an apartment just out of town was nothing but woods for miles around and those woods were loaded with wildlife. Now it is nothing but shopping and roads confused.gif.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Tick Me Right Off


A lot of properties that were once great hunting spots now have houses on them. Its sad. frown.gif

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agreed! in fact I can go farther, I have hunted a properity now for at least 16 years now. the huntign was incredable back when. now there is a houseing delement a 1/2 mile from where I hunt. only thing is, it is rithe where the deer use to come from. (it was a natural funnel right to my spot. once they started bulding, I saw less and less deer frown.gif now the hunting is just so-so.

there is another wood lot neer me that I never was able to hunt (i did ask) but it was a honey hole. it backed up to the local resveor that is protected from hunting. there are tons of deer there, anyhow I drive by it all the time and it would not be uncommon to see 3 to 6 DOZEN deer in one 4 acre feld. along with the feld there was an OLD forest (200 years+). well now sits 70 homes that sell for 700K for one acre lots. frown.gif

the field I use to see all the deer in now holds a huge eye sore of a house. no more deer. I cryed every time I drove by and saw the old forest detting cut down for homes. I feel sick just typing about it.


I keep saying that the state of md won't be happy untill the hole state is nothing but buildings and asphalt. I'm sad to say but I'm probly right, seeing how they keep building.


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