Opening weekend success


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It was opening weekend of gun season over in Alabama, which is where I do most of my hunting. The weather was nice and cold and the deer were moving. My uncle and grandfather both got a doe on Friday with their black powder rifles. My uncle got a one antlered buck Friday afternoon. Saturday, opening morning, I had a doe come right down the trail to me at 7:30. I heard her crash about 60 yards behind me, so I sat there for a couple hours to see if anything else would come walking by. I met my grandfather at the truck and we decided to go get my daughter and let her help us drag it out. When we got to my stand, I showed her where the blood was and let her "track" it. She was so excited when she found it!

Her she is with the doe.



Here she is riding with the deer. grin.gif


Here are the four deer laoded up to take to the processor. Their's were left hanging overnight, so they were a little stiff. Take a look at my uncles buck. I had that same deer under my stand last weekend, then he gets off for a week and shoots it. LOL


I guess he needed to be shot, though. Check out his head. There was no sign of another antler even being there. When I saw it, I thought it had just been broken off. We see a lot of deer with tines and antlers broken. This one just had a cow lick. crazy.gif



Saturday afternoon nobody saw anything. I hung my stand where there was a couple of scrapes being used and a bunch of fresh rubs. I left it there to hunt in the morning.

Sunday morning wasn't nearly as cold. I watched the squirrels until about 8:20 when I see movement in front of me. There's a buck trotting from my right to my left. I grunted at him and he stopped, right behind a tree. smirk.gif Then he started walking and I grunted again. I see that it's a six pointer. It's the same one I saw last year - as a six pointer. I figured he'd never grow any more points so I took a shot. He ran parallel to the road and then crossed over, going onto the neighbor's property. So I just sat in the stand for a couple hours and then went to meet my grandfather at the truck. He knows the landowner and has permission to go look for deer. We followed the blood trail across the road and down a hill to a creek, across the creek, down the creek, and there he was.



My new truck is officially "broken in". Two deer got to ride in the back this weekend. Good thing it started raining yesterday evening - saved me from having to wash it out. grin.gif

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